Technical New oil 100HP

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Technical New oil 100HP

I've just spoken to Fiat and been told again that 20k is the correct oil, at 10w40.

Dave, I am inviting you to show me otherwise, or at least point me in the direction of the conflicting information. Please.. (can't say fairer than that!)
My owners handbook says 5w40 and thats what I put in the 16v engine, its fine...but I dont use Selenia these days its too expensive, but to throw another spanner in the works, Carstins (who serviced our 500) now put 5w30 Castrol Edge in Fiats at service time...I thought this was a bit thin for the 8v 1.2 but I was assured its ok. I dont think it matters all too much to be honest, the service intervals on the current models are so long anyone that truly cared would change the oil more often anyway if they do lots of miles between services.

I only use fully synthetic in the modern cars, and its just easier to get that in oils that begin with a 5 or a 0.
well exactly, but to be honest if it stays in the engine and it runs ok I dont see a problem, its not a track toy its a city car really, and it gets changed twice as often as the schedule says anyway, thats just something I prefer to do, I will try 5w 30 in the Punto if I still have it when it needs doing again.

Also 5w30 was specced for Fords in the early 90s so if it stays in an old twincam with 120k on the clock I should think a new Fiat can handle it, plus there has already been an improvement in MPG, it now averages 53 to the gallon so overall im happy.

I think the main thing is to get the cold start viscosity right to reduce wear as much as possible. Dropping to a 0 probably wont help matters as thats too thin, and too expensive for a good one. I doubt the engine would get near hot enough to burn it or cause problems by dropping from a 40 to a 30, certainly not in a 500 1.2.
I mostly use 10w/40 fully synth

of what make? i can only find 10w40 fully sythetics for diesels.

and just to add, my punto has 130,000 miles, been ran on 10w40 since new, hydrolic tappets have not ever been touched, and it sounds really good, no tapping at all.

but to add to that, im looking to use 5w40 fully sythetic next oil change, cos 10w40 fully sythetic seems non existant.
did you speak to a desk person or a det?

Desk. Should I expect any different from elsewhere? Are Fiat telling all customers to use 10w40 in their 100hp but keeping the truth? I don't understand, where did you hear about the 5w40 and why is it such a secret?
Desk. Should I expect any different from elsewhere? Are Fiat telling all customers to use 10w40 in their 100hp but keeping the truth? I don't understand, where did you hear about the 5w40 and why is it such a secret?

should ask for a det. desk are monkies. even the parts manager at my local dealer has tried to sell me the wrong gearbox oil twice, because it was all he stocked and didnt want to buy a box of 60 1 ltr bottles an have them sitting on his shelf.

even tried telling me a selespeed and a speedgear box was the same
i now get it from a dealer 50 miles away where they sell what you need not what they stock
should ask for a det. desk are monkies. even the parts manager at my local dealer has tried to sell me the wrong gearbox oil twice, because it was all he stocked and didnt want to buy a box of 60 1 ltr bottles an have them sitting on his shelf.

even tried telling me a selespeed and a speedgear box was the same
i now get it from a dealer 50 miles away where they sell what you need not what they stock

Where did you find out from?

Do you find it odd that all documentation for the 100hp says 10w40, not 5w40?
auto_blanco hand book dont read his post

What? What does that mean?

His sig says that he owns a Punto and a 500, I would be surprised if he had a 100hp handbook.

I can't take these riddles any more. I will follow my handbook, thanks for your help.. :rolleyes:
I was under the impression that all modern Fiats are 'supposed' to have 5w40 of some description, be it petrol or diesel. And as the engine in the 100hp is identical to the one in the 500 and basically the same as the Starjet version in the Punto, why would it be any different to those 2? In any case a 5w40 fully synth is going to better than a 10w semi, particularly at cold start but also the higher quality of a good proper synthetic oil.

I dont want to start a riot or step on anyones toes, its your car afterall, im just curious really.
auto_blanco hand book dont read his post

He owns a GRANDE PUNTO with a starjet not the original 1.4 16v found in the Panda, Mk2b and Stilo.

Thought you'd know that? :eek:

And why is there still a debate. We got evidence either way that it really doesn't matter....

And to Beau I get it from the motorfactors in the form of CarLube I think its called. If they don't that I get Comma.
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He owns a GRANDE PUNTO with a starjet not the original 1.4 16v found in the Panda, Mk2b and Stilo.

Thought you'd know that? :eek:

And why is there still a debate. We got evidence either way that it really doesn't matter....

And to Beau I get it from the motorfactors in the form of CarLube I think its called. If they don't that I get Comma.
and your sure thats a 10w 40 FULLY synthetic?