Technical New oil 100HP

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Technical New oil 100HP

I have just bought a 100hp I would like to top up with the same oil it was filled with at the factory am I right in thinking its 10w/40? this thread is all over the place its so confusing!
My owners handbook says 5w40 and thats what I put in the 16v engine, its fine...but I dont use Selenia these days its too expensive, but to throw another spanner in the works, Carstins (who serviced our 500) now put 5w30 Castrol Edge in Fiats at service time...I thought this was a bit thin for the 8v 1.2 but I was assured its ok. I dont think it matters all too much to be honest, the service intervals on the current models are so long anyone that truly cared would change the oil more often anyway if they do lots of miles between services.

I only use fully synthetic in the modern cars, and its just easier to get that in oils that begin with a 5 or a 0.

I suspect that any modern car used so undemandingly would be OK on almost any decent oil; however, remember that Fiats are expected to be driven hard on the autostrade all day - during this summer in Umbria the temperature exceeded 90 (F) virtually every day and was often over 100 - you tend to cruise at 90-95 and under-bonnet temperatures can become very high so that any compromise on oil spec would be a false economy under conditions like these. It's also worth remembering that minimum temperatures in winter can be significantly colder there than here, so the "Italian" spec for oil should be more than adequate for conditions here so that there's quite a margin of safety, though the obvious solution is still to stick with the manufacturer's spec for the sake of 20 quid difference once a year.
Just had my Idea serviced at local Fiat dealer, 1.4 16v and they used 5W30 super-synthetic oil. When I requested assurance that this oil is of the correct specification for my engine I was assured that this is the oil they use on their Saab vehicles and therefore perfectly adequate for Fiat engines!
ps. Have yet to get the hang of the correct procedure regarding posting, so as this topic started of about the 100hp, I apologise if I am out of order on this one.
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Just had my Idea serviced at local Fiat dealer, 1.4 16v and they used 5W30 super-synthetic oil. When I requested assurance that this oil is of the correct specification for my engine I was assured that this is the oil they use on their Saab vehicles and therefore perfectly adequate for Fiat engines!

****ing numpties. Heh, at least FIAT is a going concern. Hope you told them you want book spec oil. ****s.
Just had my Idea serviced at local Fiat dealer, 1.4 16v and they used 5W30 super-synthetic oil. When I requested assurance that this oil is of the correct specification for my engine I was assured that this is the oil they use on their Saab vehicles and therefore perfectly adequate for Fiat engines!
ps. Have yet to get the hang of the correct procedure regarding posting, so as this topic started of about the 100hp, I apologise if I am out of order on this one.

dsalmon by any chance? take it back and say you want oil specked for fiat not a saab
Hi Dave.
How did you come up with D Salmon? You are of course, correct, but I must say, in their defence, that they have always been courteous and efficient in all my dealings with them over the years. I have owned nothing but Fiat cars since 1986 so I will give them this one, although I now feel a little uneasy about it. At the last service I did insist on the use of Selenia and I now realise I should have specified it this time. I did ask for it but allowed the service reception to pursuade me otherwise, so really, it was my own fault.
I will probably just buy the correct oil and change it myself. My 09 1.2 Dynamic Panda will definitely get the correct spec lubricant when due an oil change.
Hi Dave.
How did you come up with D Salmon? You are of course, correct, but I must say, in their defence, that they have always been courteous and efficient in all my dealings with them over the years. I have owned nothing but Fiat cars since 1986 so I will give them this one, although I now feel a little uneasy about it. At the last service I did insist on the use of Selenia and I now realise I should have specified it this time. I did ask for it but allowed the service reception to pursuade me otherwise, so really, it was my own fault.
I will probably just buy the correct oil and change it myself. My 09 1.2 Dynamic Panda will definitely get the correct spec lubricant when due an oil change.
they tried to sell me gear oil for a selespeed stilo for my speedgear punto because it was all they had, if i had used it it would have killed my gearbox, they tried the same thing when i tried to get gear oil for a punto manual box too.

also when i was there another time the girl on service desk told an elderly couple with a saab that they would be fine driving on broken front springs found when servicing, and that they could fix their slightly leaking head gasket by loosening the head bolts and re torquing them for £200 +vat :eek:
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I have just bought a 100hp I would like to top up with the same oil it was filled with at the factory am I right in thinking its 10w/40? this thread is all over the place its so confusing!

Yes the threads confusing, but it shouldn't be.

The car comes filled with 10w/40.
The manual says use 10w/40.
When I get it serviced the dealer puts in 10w/40.

Call me crazy, but I top up with 10w/40. Mental, I know!