Technical Ducato P0401 P0402 P0236 P0238 and limp mode its 2017 Euro 6, EGR changed, What do I check next

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Technical Ducato P0401 P0402 P0236 P0238 and limp mode its 2017 Euro 6, EGR changed, What do I check next

26,190 miles, 2017, Comfortmatic, v32 software. This is the first time I've been brave enough to wipe the exhaust. Super diesel with Millers.


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@CheeseMonster have you had any repair work done?
My 2017 12k miles manual V28 clean as a clean thing.
Obviously its very low milage but reg 2018 march updated june 18 to march 19 (dont know which but had three visits to Simpsons for hab and service issues.) so im not expecting trouble but using Millars eco.
i do have injector variances outside limmit.
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Just wiped again after say 30 miles. The £1 coin gives scale. Compare this photo with the one from a couple of days back.


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Just wiped again after say 30 miles. The £1 coin gives scale. Compare this photo with the one from a couple of days back.

Just wiped again after say 30 miles. The £1 coin gives scale. Compare this photo with the one from a couple of days back.
@Fredastaire , very interesting to see a comparison on soot levels after 30miles ,I've been doing wipe tests last week and fortunately did not experience such black soot levels, I did notice I was getting heavier deposits doing 55mph motorway 1.8revs but lighter soot at 70mph 2k revs to 2.5revs ...?
So do you think there may be a self cleaning aspect on some runs? its not progressively building up with use?
In concert with your MES cooler results i would say V32 and fuel regime is doing its job and not producing excessive soot. How easy would it be to remove the exhaust and use a DPF cleaner to get a clean exhaust system. If you then had a constantly clean exhaust that would prove you have a clean running engine.
So do you think there may be a self cleaning aspect on some runs? its not progressively building up with use?
In concert with your MES cooler results i would say V32 and fuel regime is doing its job and not producing excessive soot. How easy would it be to remove the exhaust and use a DPF cleaner to get a clean exhaust system. If you then had a constantly clean exhaust that would prove you have a clean running engine.
I've cleaned exhaust pipe with a pipe cleaner as far as I can , but think it would be hard to get everything out of system.
I have had a thought that if I have a small crack in DPF the soot gradually blocks fractured matrix, until regeneration , then crack is exposed again and hence I get slightly more soot in exhaust, it's all conjecture !. But since replacing parts and V32 it's cleaner.
I've just taken this photo, did a data collection run with MES, it's now with @theoneandonly for his examination.
It was clean at the start, then I've done 20 miles, mostly at 60mph. Interestingly it had just completed a Regen by the time I stopped. From memory it was down to 7.8% on the DPF and zero miles since Regen; so the soot in the photo may be affected by the excess fuel for the Regen?


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so the soot in the photo may be affected by the excess fuel for the Regen?

So IS wiping the exhaust a true indication?

If excess fuel is added for a regen what do the EGR valves do in this period? Is the excessive regen soot fed back to the inlet or do Fiat close the EGR's and send the soot out the exhaust or through the cooler?
Shouldn’t the regen eliminate (burn) soot in the DPF (which it is intended to do) rather than generate extra soot? Or can it ”dissolve” the deposited soot in the DPF so it slips through if the DPF is cracked?
DPF temperatures during Regen
Somewhere someone asked about regen temps i cant find the original ref so this is a foot in the sand (not enough for a line).
i have 3 ,600,618,630. V28
2 from fredastaire @ 627,628C V32
unfortunately not a routine measurement
First time post here. I have read all pages on this post - twice! Thank you for all involved - particularly the main players. I own a 150HP version of this series and have been triggered to carry out observations. I am using an AUTEL DS808, but will soon be using MES - just waiting for an interface to arrive. I can report that so far no issues and exhaust is clean with no hint of any soot (let's hope it stays that way). Mind you, the vehicle has only done a little over 30,000km. The ECM is running SW Version 0024 and the TCM is also running old SW as well - so after reading this entire post I am very much concerned and considering booking in for an update at FIAT PRO dealership. This vehicle has not been near a FIAT PRO dealership since 2018 - perhaps it should have been - might have got an update of SW during service. It is well maintained and serviced annually. Having been made aware of the issues and possible causes, I have captured a normal regen and recorded three values with the scanner. The regen lasted about 6 minutes and was triggered at DPF Soot Level of 100%. Regen ceased once Soot Level fell below 10%. Maximum DPF temperature was approx. 653C with an average around 620C. For your records:


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    1 Start of Regen SW-V24.jpg
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    3 End of Regen SW-V24.jpg
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@deejays thanks for the update. Glad to hear you have a clean ehaust, you are right about the importance of a software updates. From a personal point of view when you have MES there is some info id like you to collect. Do you have a cof c and know when it left the factory or when registered.
@deejays thanks for the update. Glad to hear you have a clean ehaust, you are right about the importance of a software updates. From a personal point of view when you have MES there is some info id like you to collect. Do you have a cof c and know when it left the factory or when registered.
You are welcome. Not sure what you are asking for - "Do you have a cof c and know when it left the factory or when registered" What information are you asking for? The build date (left the factory) was Feb 2018. I am aware of your testing templates and have used the AUTEL scan tool to track live data - in particular the position of both EGR valves and they are operating as your reported best working examples. They are functioning quite normally from what I can tell - modulating through the complete range - not slamming from one end to the other or being held open nor shut. All injectors look good - in that they are well within the correction specification, and adding up to zero. So, looks like a well functioning motor.
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You are welcome.. So, looks like a well functioning motor.
Build date is exactly what i was after. Is it possible to measure the LPEGR cooler temperature? does your scan tool save to a csv file or even graph details of lpegr function and temperature. Glad to hear it doesn't sound dire.
Build date is exactly what i was after. Is it possible to measure the LPEGR cooler temperature? does your scan tool save to a csv file or even graph details of lpegr function and temperature. Glad to hear it doesn't sound dire.
Yes, I had all that data in graphical form. Trouble is, about three days ago, I inadvertently deleted the files from the scan tool! Bugger!! I also graphed the LPEGR temp along with the position data. I noted the temperatures were marginally lower than what you have been showing as normal, but that may be due to my testing being done in Australia with an ambient temp on the day of some 25C. I saw the LPEGR temp get to a maximum of 70C. The AUTEL DS808 does not have the capability of generating CSV files to export, but does a reasonable job of graphics. It is limited in the number of live traces though compared to MES, and also does not show access to any form of post injection values. Hence my interest in MES. I have the program in free status at the moment - waiting for the arrival of vGATE vLINKER FS USB.
Hi All Finally bought a van to convert, its a 2018 manual, we took a chance on buying one from the auctions on the results of a exhaust pipe wipe, our reasoning was the wipe looked OK and if the worst came to the worst we could sell it on.
Below is the picture that we used to determine weather to buy or not. We picked the van up filled up with 40litres of fuel and a double dose of Archoil fuel treatment and did a 3/1/2 hour run from South Wales to Manchester and the exhaust pipe is now completely clean.

We have done a run with multiecuscan this morning and I will ask @theoneandonly if he has time to have a look at them, they seem OK from my limited understanding

The Version is 28, even though the graphs look OK to me there are errors and I would appreciate any help in determining what the codes mean and what to do to eradicate them?

Thanks one an all for the valuable info on the forum and stand by for further requests for help.



Please do a freeze frame of each error (click on each error in turn )then do a screen shot. Once you have those safely stored then clear the errors. Then do a run using these parameters (template 4 (save as template 4 so it can easily be repeated. All info on how is in various guides. then post the csv file. Note run engine for at least 10 mins to get engine warm then 20 min blast. record all data. check the oil level with the dipstick, halfway is prefferable.
Please do a freeze frame of each error (click on each error in turn )then do a screen shot. Once you have those safely stored then clear the errors. Then do a run using these parameters (template 4 (save as template 4 so it can easily be repeated. All info on how is in various guides. then post the csv file. Note run engine for at least 10 mins to get engine warm then 20 min blast. record all data. check the oil level with the dipstick, halfway is prefferable.View attachment 447739
Hi thanks for that I have already sent a csv file to your home email address earlier today, I will screenshot and clear the errors, do the run again and resend the csv file to your home email or would you prefer I post on here?
Hi thanks for that I have already sent a csv file to your home email address earlier today, I will screenshot and clear the errors, do the run again and resend the csv file to your home email or would you prefer I post on here?
Post here and others have the oppourtunity to analise themselves or direct to me and i post results here or you are daft enough to limmit yourself to my advice alone.
I cleared error codes and did a 20 min test drive with template 4 checked oil dipstick after 10 mins.

Attached is the csv file, the new error codes and the graphs that I created using LibreOffice as I could not get @theoneandonly graphs to run on excel on my PC's

Any help and insights gratefully received.

Oil level check was it about 10mm above the shaped area on the dipstick which is roughly the level before I set off

First of all new errors codes











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