Technical eLearn all Fiats including Ducato Euro 6

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Technical eLearn all Fiats including Ducato Euro 6

What are easy methods using windows 11 to to block find and replace file names. eg how to change a 100 .image files to .svg.
edit ive tried downloading powertools but no success.
Been there two days ago :D Bulk rename utility :)

The interface is tricky, uncheck everything except this one:


And you'll somehow get it ;) can't remember exactly how I did it, sorry :(
What are easy methods using windows 11 to to block find and replace file names. eg how to change a 100 .image files to .svg.
edit ive tried downloading powertools but no success.

change the path with the CD command to go where the files are
rename [<drive>:][<path>]<filename1> <filename2>
or for the .image files: rename *.image *.svg

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Been there two days ago :D Bulk rename utility :)

The interface is tricky, uncheck everything except this one:

View attachment 458829

And you'll somehow get it ;) can't remember exactly how I did it, sorry :(
2 days ago i was too busy collecting thinking ill colate and correct later
change the path with the CD command to go where the files are
rename [<drive>:][<path>]<filename1> <filename2>
or for the .image files: rename *.image *.svg

I'll probably try this method as i will also have some front ends to change.

Thank you both
@ben Is there any rational way to upload data collected. All i have got is a load of unlinked files. for personal use its fine but for forum use a bit more structure would be useful. or we could pass them all to some poor sap to stich together to recreate a linked version after we done our dammedest to unlink
@ben Is there any rational way to upload data collected. All i have got is a load of unlinked files. for personal use its fine but for forum use a bit more structure would be useful. or we could pass them all to some poor sap to stich together to recreate a linked version after we done our dammedest to unlink
@Wiltshire Chris I think (hope) there will be users having parts of the eLearn and willing to share ;)
What are easy methods using windows 11 to to block find and replace file names. eg how to change a 100 .image files to .svg.
edit ive tried downloading powertools but no success.
From a command prompt navigate to the folder containing the files then type:

ren *.image *.svg

and press enter.

Or download and install Microsoft PowerToys and use PowerRename:

Or use the free version of this:
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@Wiltshire Chris I think (hope) there will be users having parts of the eLearn and willing to share ;)
Yes, even if it is available for short term a medium long term strategy is required even if its purely file nomenclature and file type. I did try to save some as pdf and end up with empty saved files.
Most of the files I got for the moment are pdf files, some printed directly from the website + added vector graphics, others (tables) copied to excel, reformatted and then printed to pdf files :)

In my free time I'm trying to get more of them, but it gets more and more problematic I'd say, probably the server is more and more loaded with our requests.
Some of the .image files might be 7z compressed adobe svg files, others might actually be jpg files.
Bulk renaming them might not be the very best idea.
@Wiltshire Chris I think (hope) there will be users having parts of the eLearn and willing to share ;)
What might be interesting to try is to generate the underlying database entries from what was harvested. That way the new stuff could be hosted in the, as yest unreleased and unfinished, openLearn. I've not looked at openLearn for (checks GitHub commits) three months and my memory for projects fades quicker as I get older! A nice big file bucket where everyone can put what they harvested would be a good idea and I could then see what could be done with it all.
Some of the .image files might be 7z compressed adobe svg files, others might actually be jpg files.
Bulk renaming them might not be the very best idea.
Yes, there's a few different file types lurking in there and some of them are definitely compressed on the server side at least.

I might see if there's anyway I can scrape the page hierarchy from the testing site as that would make putting the rest together easier.
I'm delighted to see it being downloaded and used to help others with Fiat problems as I'm not tech-savvy enough to do much of it myself.(y)
Another way of getting (most of) the info is to use a website-copier program (like HTTrack) and mirror the website.
Adding the copied structure to an IIS server and add a MIME rule for '.image' <=> 'image/svg+xml' you cab browse all links and the correct images/svg pictures will open.
The only thing needed extra needed is to add some of the JS-scripts in IIS so the 'enlarge image' button will function.
Another way of getting (most of) the info is to use a website-copier program (like HTTrack) and mirror the website.
Adding the copied structure to an IIS server and add a MIME rule for '.image' <=> 'image/svg+xml' you cab browse all links and the correct images/svg pictures will open.
The only thing needed extra needed is to add some of the JS-scripts in IIS so the 'enlarge image' button will function.
I was wondering about doing this but haven't used HTTrack before and was concerned about it flooding the site with traffic. Have you tried it on the eLearn site successfully as that would be a great start to getting a copy of the information? One thing to bear in mind is that the pages are tailored according to what engine type you've selected in the drop down on the left and I don't know how well HTTrack would exhaustively go through all the options. Any help you can offer would be appreciated
Selecting another engine changes the URL for the webpage.
As you can add several URL's in one HTTrack instance, and all files will be mirrored to the same directory tree, and the copier keeps track of what it has already downloaded, my best guess is that all files will be copied only once (e.g. there might be several common files, and several unique files for the engines)
This non prod eLearn is tricky, as it can't display the graphics files on the website. Tested with Chrome and Edge it just downloads them with the wrong extension. So, it requires several manual operations to get a proper pdf.

The graphics files are svg, but saved with a wrong extension (image). I've found out (and described here earlier) that renaming the file to svg allows opening it. Wiltshire Chris is aware of how to deal with the svg files, we've been discussing this subject some time ago.

The files being vector graphics is great, as it allows zooming with no quality loss. But as stated earlier, require some manual operation.

This of course would be totally different while getting the contents of the eLearn in an automatic process.

No idea about the empty files, I have not encounered this problem myself. Perhaps in the very beginning, using the proper browser. But can't remember anymore, just threw it out of my head as totally not relevant.
The files can also be opened in the open source Inkscape:

If you want to maintain the vector properties (so it can scale without loss of quality), you can convert the SVG to EMF (Enhanced Metafile), which is compatible with Word.

Using Inkscape (Free Software) for Conversion:

  1. Open the SVG file in Inkscape.
  2. Go to File > Save As.
  3. In the Save as type dropdown, choose EMF (Enhanced Metafile).
  4. Save the file.
  5. Insert the EMF file into Word:
    • Open your Word document.
    • Click Insert > Pictures > This Device.
    • Select the EMF file to insert it into your document.
Many of the wiring diagrams in eLearn fot the x244 are obliterated by grossly oversize text when downloaded. Exampl here. I have used Inkscape to resize the text, and then converted to pdf, using the Microsoft print to pdf option. Major cicuit item names were added to the pdf.
FWIW, I stumbled on this thread whilst searching for a solution to my own problems. I think this site is still up, but I've managed to mirror it to a flash drive. It's not elegant, and the images don't appear in-line, but I do have them.
Happy to share out on Google Drive or Dropbox if people need the files.
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