What's made you grumpy today?

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What's made you grumpy today?

Thanks, what a kind thought? Would it have to be labeled "Hazardous Goods"? I'm in agreement with your cat though, it's an occasional treat to be savoured and probably all the more appreciated because of it being normally forbidden. As she's away for a couple of weeks I'll probably squeeze in one more helping. Better make it several days before she's due back and leave the windows open for a few hours!

Edit. My father used to make it with tinned pilchards too, which is nice enough, but I preferred the sardines.
Ello Ello Ello, whats goin on ear. Is that your sardine Sir? Im afraid your in serious breech, and I will ave to report you with a view to prosecution...
Was taking down some dead and dying branches from our two big hackberry trees. Mrs.Cheest agreed to assist. I'm wearing heavy jeans, boots, gloves, and a Husky sawyers hardhat with both a face shield and hearing protection. Mrs. Cheest is wearing denim shorts and Crocs. I tell her to put some real shoes on. She says she'll be fine with the Crocs. I shake my head and say, "Fine".

Not 30 seconds later, she gets a stick caught in one of the holes in the Crocs and falls flat on her face. I helped her up while laughing and asked if she was still, "Fine". She stormed off to the house, muttering something like 'asshole' under her breath. She came back out about 10 minutes later wearing jeans and real shoes. ;)
Glad shes firing on all cylinders.
Bloody England football team winning, not because I'm scottish, slovakia was my second sweepstake team!!! so that's me out.
My youngest was in a sweepstake at work. She wanted them to lose, 0 - 1. She was disappointed too.
I was disappointed because they are utterly awful to watch in most respects. Why cant they go out, commit, and B well try to win from start to finish???
Years ago, the lad behind the parts counter would have been an enthusiast, these days, they are brain dead, staring at their tiny screen all day.
Quite a few years ago, the plastic water tank for the toilet cracked, dripping when full. In the UK, we call this a cistern. 100 yds away, is a builders merchant, with new toilets stacked along shelves. Behind the counter was a young lad, looking disappointed that I had disturbed him, and might drag him away from Farcebook.
"Do you have a plastic toilet cistern?"
Pause, while firing up the second brain cell.
"Is that a plumbing item?"
"Not to worry, goodbye."

A phone call to a better plumbing supplies shop, 12 miles away yielded a complete kit, including all the internals, for £20, without any hesitation, "yes we've got loads of them."
Frankly its pathetic. The business deserves to go bust.
I dropped the grandsons off at their parents yesterday afternoon after a boring day with us. They are the boring ones, not us. Anyway, I walked them into the house because I wanted to ask my daughter something but she was on the phone with work, so I left. As I’m driving away in the pickup, I get this horrible stench floating around in the cab. Thinking I may have stepped in an Anna(their dog)land mine, I rolled down all the windows for some fresh air and to clear the stink of stinks from the cab.
I made it home and proceeded to check my shoes for evidence of land mines. Nothing. Nada. Not a thing on my shoes. WTH? I go in the house and tell Mrs.Cheest about my experience and she said, “Eli has had really bad gas today. He must have left you something to remember him by.”

JHC, the kid should patent the stuff for chemical warfare.
Bluetooth on the Citroën has been not working last week or so. Annoys my wife rather than me given I use wired android auto but thought I would investigate.

Deleted all pairs and re-pair, nada...well not nada it will pair for 1 second then drop. Bum, however at least that meant the Bluetooth module lives.

Nuclear option time...factory reset the infotainment/car.

Yay it works...but now I need to remember all the things I'd changed.
Bluetooth on the Citroën has been not working last week or so. Annoys my wife rather than me given I use wired android auto but thought I would investigate.

Deleted all pairs and re-pair, nada...well not nada it will pair for 1 second then drop. Bum, however at least that meant the Bluetooth module lives.

Nuclear option time...factory reset the infotainment/car.

Yay it works...but now I need to remember all the things I'd changed.
A bit of age related digital confusion no doubt.

At least you could fix it, dropping the bluetooth connection randomly in the middle of calls was a “feature” of the blue and me kit in my old Punto.

Like you I used wired carplay in my golf, due to a friendly Chinese company asking me to review something on YouTube, my wife now has a wireless carplay thing stuck to her windscreen which seems to work and being free was a bit of a bonus, the quality is however worth every penny I paid for it. Quite flimsy
It was probably about time...given it forgot it had a heater the other month as well (not done it since).

It literally had every phone ever paired to the car going back to 2017...so worth it just for the clear out.

I was expecting the Bluetooth module to have died...but no we got away with it, this time.
It was probably about time...given it forgot it had a heater the other month as well (not done it since).

It literally had every phone ever paired to the car going back to 2017...so worth it just for the clear out.

I was expecting the Bluetooth module to have died...but no we got away with it, this time.
Sounds like my wife’s mini which had multiple versions of “Andy’s phone” paired to it still and the multiple phones she’s had too. I have no idea half the time which one is the current working paired phone.
I suspect the person who did the infotainment and dashcam never expected one of these to have the same owner for so long...

Built in Dashcam went on the blink a while ago...same fix as well. Although in that case it's because it doesn't seem to overwrite old clips so eventually it just fills up and stops working.

Obviously first thing you probably do as a new owner is press the reset button as the last owner is unlikely to have given the cars WiFi password..which would magically bring it all back to life.

It's like all computer equipment... occasionally you need a fresh install or it starts acting a bit odd clearly.

At least it doesn't control anything important.
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A bit of age related digital confusion no doubt.

At least you could fix it, dropping the bluetooth connection randomly in the middle of calls was a “feature” of the blue and me kit in my old Punto.

Like you I used wired carplay in my golf, due to a friendly Chinese company asking me to review something on YouTube, my wife now has a wireless carplay thing stuck to her windscreen which seems to work and being free was a bit of a bonus, the quality is however worth every penny I paid for it. Quite flimsy
Delete everything else, but keep the Aupairs!
Wife has recommended a C3 to someone at work..

Don't do that dear...they'll just be grumpy when they get one and the oil light comes on because the previous owner thought timing belt and oil changes were optional.

I like it...but if it was for sale and I didn't know the history I'd not buy it. Most of them haven't had what would have been at full dealer rates 3k of maintenance done.
Firstly, came to this thread to post a grump, and found a whole page of new posts, none of which were notified. This seems to be an ongoing problem with notofications not always working.

Anyway, on to today's grump.

Early hours, about 1:30am, partner wakes, having difficulty breathing. Seems a chest infection, short breaths, some gurgling, mostly one side. (Hindsight info from paramedics)
Ambulance carted her off at 2:30, so for once, a short wait for the ambulance.
So this morning I need to contact the hospital for info.
A central number connects, eventually after negotiating a short options list, and confusing the voice recognition system, to a real human. Although not apparently a clever human. What sounds like perhaps an Indian accent, but mumbling quietly, he asks a question, then pauses. But as soon as I started speaking, so did he. Three times. He was a bit miffed, when I asked, "have you finished?"
After that fight, I got put through to A&E, where they have a holding/observation ward. Another dimwit on reception, tries to connect me, but the line is busy. "Can I call back "after a certain time". At least he gave me a direct number for the ward, so I could by-pass the mumbling eejits.
Now, I'm familiar with time, having experienced a lot of it, and the units used, as seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, millenia, etc., but "a certain time" is a new one for me.
On the second callback attempt, I got through to the ward. A nurse who sounded like she'd been up for days, or was on drugs. Probably the former. Said partner is breathing better, seems happy, but can't give any further details as "the nurse looking after her is on break". Hopefully that nurse stays fit and well, and passes on anything vital before going off shift. They are at least much better at looking after people than they are at communicating.

Later, I'll just have to go visit, fighting the Oxford traffic, and paying an extortionate fee for parking. If I take the van and wheelchair, I could bring her home if possible. Doubtful, but would save a double journey. 22 miles each way.
Firstly, came to this thread to post a grump, and found a whole page of new posts, none of which were notified. This seems to be an ongoing problem with notofications not always working.

Anyway, on to today's grump.

Early hours, about 1:30am, partner wakes, having difficulty breathing. Seems a chest infection, short breaths, some gurgling, mostly one side. (Hindsight info from paramedics)
Ambulance carted her off at 2:30, so for once, a short wait for the ambulance.
So this morning I need to contact the hospital for info.
A central number connects, eventually after negotiating a short options list, and confusing the voice recognition system, to a real human. Although not apparently a clever human. What sounds like perhaps an Indian accent, but mumbling quietly, he asks a question, then pauses. But as soon as I started speaking, so did he. Three times. He was a bit miffed, when I asked, "have you finished?"
After that fight, I got put through to A&E, where they have a holding/observation ward. Another dimwit on reception, tries to connect me, but the line is busy. "Can I call back "after a certain time". At least he gave me a direct number for the ward, so I could by-pass the mumbling eejits.
Now, I'm familiar with time, having experienced a lot of it, and the units used, as seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, millenia, etc., but "a certain time" is a new one for me.
On the second callback attempt, I got through to the ward. A nurse who sounded like she'd been up for days, or was on drugs. Probably the former. Said partner is breathing better, seems happy, but can't give any further details as "the nurse looking after her is on break". Hopefully that nurse stays fit and well, and passes on anything vital before going off shift. They are at least much better at looking after people than they are at communicating.

Later, I'll just have to go visit, fighting the Oxford traffic, and paying an extortionate fee for parking. If I take the van and wheelchair, I could bring her home if possible. Doubtful, but would save a double journey. 22 miles each way.
Our thoughts and good wishes are with you. Hope you have her home soon.
The fiat 500 has reached the rust bolt stage, 3 hours to do a half hour job. The front bumper had to come off and just about every srew in the wheelarch was starting to round. The killer was one of the bumper to wing bolts. The torx internel part stripped, got it moving with the irwin extractor then the capive nut broke away after a few turns.

A "F&*k!!" moment, the most awkward bolt, ended up having to cut it with a hacksaw blade, sliding it into the gap between bolt and washer to avoid damage to the wing or bumper.

New stainnless nut and bolt on now for future, and self tappers all replaced with newer screws.
The fiat 500 has reached the rust bolt stage, 3 hours to do a half hour job. The front bumper had to come off and just about every srew in the wheelarch was starting to round. The killer was one of the bumper to wing bolts. The torx internel part stripped, got it moving with the irwin extractor then the capive nut broke away after a few turns.

A "F&*k!!" moment, the most awkward bolt, ended up having to cut it with a hacksaw blade, sliding it into the gap between bolt and washer to avoid damage to the wing or bumper.

New stainnless nut and bolt on now for future, and self tappers all replaced with newer screws.
That's what we call 'being 8 hours into a 20 minute job'. I fear I may have a few of those coming up with the 'Rusty, the Wrangler'.
The fiat 500 has reached the rust bolt stage, 3 hours to do a half hour job. The front bumper had to come off and just about every srew in the wheelarch was starting to round. The killer was one of the bumper to wing bolts. The torx internel part stripped, got it moving with the irwin extractor then the capive nut broke away after a few turns.

A "F&*k!!" moment, the most awkward bolt, ended up having to cut it with a hacksaw blade, sliding it into the gap between bolt and washer to avoid damage to the wing or bumper.

New stainnless nut and bolt on now for future, and self tappers all replaced with newer screws.

Would this be an opportune moment to mention the effect of Scottish winters on metal objects or is it too soon?

Would this be an opportune moment to mention the effect of Scottish winters on metal objects or is it too soon?

Worse than that now stainless bolts have been fitted he’ll now not only get the Scottish weather corrosion but also galvanic corrosion between the stainless bolts and the mild steel metal
More sad than grumpy. Poor Barney had a small lump removed from his chin. He looks very battered and has been under par all afternoon. He cant see out of his collar of shame. Because he cant see to the side he keeps walking backwards bless him. Its heart breaking to seehim in distress.