What's made you grumpy today?

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What's made you grumpy today?

I had already had to move to a three bedroom house owing to the two girls and a boy, so eventually they ended up with two sets of bunk beds for the four girls.
That seemed to work although I recall middle daughter asking me for some parcel tape and on following her upstairs I found them trying to "repair" the bunk beds amidst lots of laughter, as they had been trampolining from one to another and gone through the slats:)
Got a tale to tell about being locked out of our house one night (chubb type lock and keys inside house) and kids refusing to open the door! I'll try to remember to recount it later, but off to the wee lad's sports day now and being told off by Mrs J for being on the computer!
My first wife trained as a nurse and the standing joke at the time nearly 50 years ago amongst nurses was that "Doctors buried their mistakes", I suppose in the this case he did the opposite!
The b'stards just biding his time. WIth a bit of luck he wont last the course LOL. Kids are hard work but its all there is really. Only one more house and I will retire from building work. I agree with your sentiments totally. I feel for those who dont get along with their offspring.
Got a tale to tell about being locked out of our house one night (chubb type lock and keys inside house) and kids refusing to open the door! I'll try to remember to recount it later, but off to the wee lad's sports day now and being told off by Mrs J for being on the computer!
First and mostest a forumer. LOL
On the bus, noone speaks to one another anymore and simply walking down the street is hazardous with all the people who aren't looking where they're going or watching out for traffic because they're heads down on their mobiles, I could go on.
When I was teaching learners, I asked a few what they were doing on their phones all the time, never got a proper answer.
When we were young, and used buses, the front seats upstairs were premium, as you could watch where you were going. All other seats give just a narrow view to the side. Having now got a bus pass, I recently used it to travel 43 miles each way on different days, and luckily got the top front seat on all six buses. However, the other front seats got occupied by a series of youngsters, who all spent the journey on their phones.
When driving, look at the top seats on any bus, most will be occupied by phones.

Last year, walking in a town centre, found myself catching up with a young girl, probably late teens. Unless disabled, I should not be catching her. As I passed, the view on the phone was the pavement ahead of her. She was using the camera to show her the way along the street. We're doomed.
Many will use the phone maps to guide them rather than look it up and just go.
The phone to young people is their social life, how they all talk to each other.
When I was teaching learners, I asked a few what they were doing on their phones all the time, never got a proper answer.
When we were young, and used buses, the front seats upstairs were premium, as you could watch where you were going. All other seats give just a narrow view to the side. Having now got a bus pass, I recently used it to travel 43 miles each way on different days, and luckily got the top front seat on all six buses. However, the other front seats got occupied by a series of youngsters, who all spent the journey on their phones.
When driving, look at the top seats on any bus, most will be occupied by phones.

Last year, walking in a town centre, found myself catching up with a young girl, probably late teens. Unless disabled, I should not be catching her. As I passed, the view on the phone was the pavement ahead of her. She was using the camera to show her the way along the street. We're doomed.
You'll remember I've mentioned before that I took a voluntary retirement package from my "proper" employer and spent the last 15 years of my working life looking after a squad of 6 mildly learning disabled gardeners. Apart from my years with Firestone, traveling round the race circuits of Europe, it was the most satisfying job I had! Of course during this period I became eligible for my free bus pass so used the bus to get to work and home from that time on. It was quite a long journey, right across the city, but only took about 15 minutes longer on the bus than it did in the car. I always sat upstairs at the front until one day the bus ran into a low hanging tree branch which cracked the window. It was very noisy and quite frightening when you weren't expecting it. From then on I used to sit much further back but still on the top deck so I could look into all the gardens and get ideas as to what I might do for our customers who were looking for a change in their gardens.

I was traveling at the beginning of rush hour and so the busses were always busy with most of the passengers on their phones. Of course some would be actually making calls and some of the conversations I overheard were very interesting and sometimes embarrassing. I remember one girl, obviously talking on the phone to her pal, recounting in some detail about what she'd been up to with her boyfriend last night - Lucky chap! but I was surprised at how embarrassed I felt. I'm often surprised by people talking on their phones in public places about stuff I wouldn't want overheard if it were me.
Finally a weekend without rain, you’d think I’d be happy but I have a poorly 2 year old a garden wall to build and a garden that needs the lawn cutting (about 3 feet high) and all the hedges have gone crazy so need cutting back.

On the Punto side I have a new clutch to fit, and have spent days cleaning up and plating bolts to be reused in putting it all back together.

So my spare time is otherwise accounted for.

If it does rain again I have a bedroom ceiling to plaster…. It never ends
Just seen what they've called the new housing development.

"Scholars Meadows" marketing genius to reference the fact you've knocked a secondary school down to build houses on it..
Secondary school….. not exactly “scholars”

Still without secondary education it’s unlikely anyone will notice the error.
This was last Wednesday but I've been busy. Busterdog and I were on our morning walk in the woods when we came across this.

I didn't think much at first because the local coyotes were going nuts Monday night and I figured this was what was left of their kill. I did a second take and realized that there isn't a coyote alive that can work a butchers' saw. The site was also too clean, no blood or fur. This was a Whitetail deer taken out of season. Poached. To say I was PO'd was an understatement. I reported this to the state Dept. of Natural Resources, who handle these things, and they were very interested. They came out to the site the next day, but the coyotes had cleaned it up.

There wasn't much they could do after the fact but they said they'd put up some trail cams and monitor the area. There'll probably be a lot of pics of a bald headed old fart walking his dog
When I was teaching learners, I asked a few what they were doing on their phones all the time, never got a proper answer.
When we were young, and used buses, the front seats upstairs were premium, as you could watch where you were going. All other seats give just a narrow view to the side. Having now got a bus pass, I recently used it to travel 43 miles each way on different days, and luckily got the top front seat on all six buses. However, the other front seats got occupied by a series of youngsters, who all spent the journey on their phones.
When driving, look at the top seats on any bus, most will be occupied by phones.

Last year, walking in a town centre, found myself catching up with a young girl, probably late teens. Unless disabled, I should not be catching her. As I passed, the view on the phone was the pavement ahead of her. She was using the camera to show her the way along the street. We're doomed.
Maybe short sighted... The mind boggles though. and... do you mean to say you used public transport and it got you home as well. My experiene is limited but the record of this is not exactly good. If the car breaks down I have my bus pass which might, possibly help get me nearer home, but I dont trust it.
Yesterday I decided to clean the second pair of winter wheels from Noop. Its pathetic that having seen only a few months use, and in spite of being kept clean back and front, and polished each year, that the paint is falling off. Fiat it seems thinks one coat of thin black paint on top of the base rusty wheel is OK. I have wire brushed the flaking paint and rust and applied some primer.. (DID YOU HEAR THAT FIAT, PRIMER its the stuff that you apply before painting!) For now I shall give them a coat of satin black or two and at some point I might send them for sand blasting and powder coating. Most cars have wheel trims to add style. Clearly FIAT use them to hide the embarassingly badly painted wheels. I just did two from Peanut before the new tyres were fitted. SO the order of the day is buy you car then apply primer and paint to the bits they are too B mean to do at the factory.

Nails are better finished!

This after changing a calor gas cylinder and admiring how good the refurbed cylinder looked and how decent its paint job.
Maybe short sighted... The mind boggles though. and... do you mean to say you used public transport and it got you home as well. My experiene is limited but the record of this is not exactly good. If the car breaks down I have my bus pass which might, possibly help get me nearer home, but I dont trust it.
I've used buses occasionally over the years, always with disappointment. When the AA car needed a service, I'd drop it off and come home on the bus. Bus stop at the bottom of the road, 100 yds away, towards Swindon, or Oxford. Recently renumbered from 66 to S6. On one bus stop, someone wrote, "The only way is S6". Some actual humurous graffitti.
Buses only really work if the journey can be done on one bus.
Doing my brakes yesterday, broke a big T55 torx bit, literally exploded. More awkward but the short one got it off, whole weight on a 3 foot breaker bar. I liked that kit :cry:

Also found a broken bottom coil on the drivers spring.


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I had an immature American Robin flying around in my garage yesterday. With both overhead doors open, along with the side door, the bird was too stupid to find its way out of the garage. I ended up catching it and taking it outside, but not before it crapped several times on the DeSoto and the Honda.

I had an immature American Robin flying around in my garage yesterday. With both overhead doors open, along with the side door, the bird was too stupid to find its way out of the garage. I ended up catching it and taking it outside, but not before it crapped several times on the DeSoto and the Honda.

I never saw any of your Robins when we were visiting my daughter in Southern Maryland but there were plenty of them in the woods when we stayed in a cottage near Clinton Connecticut Long Island Sound for a week. A colourful bird about the size of one of our Blackbirds so bigger than our Robins.
I never saw any of your Robins when we were visiting my daughter in Southern Maryland but there were plenty of them in the woods when we stayed in a cottage near Clinton Connecticut Long Island Sound for a week. A colourful bird about the size of one of our Blackbirds so bigger than our Robins.
Yup, the US robins are not related in any way to ours
I never saw any of your Robins when we were visiting my daughter in Southern Maryland but there were plenty of them in the woods when we stayed in a cottage near Clinton Connecticut Long Island Sound for a week. A colourful bird about the size of one of our Blackbirds so bigger than our Robins.
The American Robin ranges from Alaska to Mexico so I'm surprised you didn't see any, Jock. I can't swing a dead cat without hitting one here.