Well, its been a tough, bruised, scraped, dirty, bloody tiering weekend of celebrating my birthday (26, just a young un

) and working on the car.
First off big thanks go out to 99sei (lucky guy with two cento's and loads of lovely working space of his own

)!!! I picked up the tripod and hoist saturday night, and there is no way I could have magaged withough it!!!!! Not a chance at all!!! Anyone ever doing this stuff in the future, you don't need a hoist to remove, but to get back in you definatley do to get it back in!
Here are the money shots
Thanks to the lower engine braket and different flywheel covers to the Sei, th ebox was on and off
three times...Was a big pain and very tiering. A also need to sort out some extra bolts to mount it on as intended.
It's all in on the mounts fitted no spacers or anything like that. Was a BIG effort to get it all back in though and broke my reversing sensor while I was at it :
It all went in though but is noticably taller! I was worried the bonnet wouldn't close, however, i place it back on top, as I had to remove it, and it all looks OK

Clearance bleoe may be interesting though!
What is NOT so good it that the engine doesn't technically fit
I seems to sit tilted slightly forward, but thats not a bit problem, however, the folloowing are a problem
The cam cover is in direct contact with the body, and the headlight bolt was deformed by the head, as it was crushed on fitting.
There is VERY little clearance, ie. none, there, so I'll have to try and figure that one out!!! JR?? Whats happened to yours up front there?
Still its one milestone out the way! Tommorrow night I'm tidying a lot of the mess up, gearbox oil s over the floor, tools are everywhere and it takes ages to find what I want lol.
Need to locate some intake bolts and nuts to mount the air intake, as I don't have any, and I could also to with the TB pipeing so I can fit a (to be ordered) DMC CDA intake.
These and the exhaust setup are the two major things left to worry about now.
The OTHER major PITA I have had today, is that I fitted and did up all the mounts, and forgot to fit the alternator first!!! SO i have to drop it down and hope I have the play to get it back in!!
Hope your all enjoying my slow and painful process lolol
Dave, shall we call it a race

might get my arse into gear a bit more.