Technical KriTip's 1.2 16V Sei Project

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Technical KriTip's 1.2 16V Sei Project

Many congrats!

You'll love it when its all mapped up, your guaranteed exceptional performance.

On subject of throttle cables, a cinq sporting one will be fine. For some reason it is longer than the sei mpi one, well thats what is used on mine anyway.

Well done!
theres loads in cov, not many signed up to here but im making up for that with 2 of them :D although mine is in a state at the moment

glad to hear its up and running mate been about a month since you drove it now isnt it? atleast its coming back bigger and better the same as mine when i finish it :D :devil:
It's running but not on the road yet. It has been about 4 weeks though so I'm itching to get it done. I reckon by next weekend I'll be out and about and can drop off your hoist :)

List of things left are:

exhaust (have to get custom made one by a local firm)
throttle cable
oil catch tank
mapping (have to chat to JR and cc1 about that :) )
insurance (getting done on monday)
induction hose extending as its too short

and that's it! Not much really till I can start driving it and panic myself all the time worrying about every little noise it makes and thinking if I have done it right lol

At present my manifold has no heat shielding on it, and as it sits close to the cooling pipes, is it wise to fit some? I could wrap it but have heard bad things, so what alternatives are there? A shield like the original had? Where can i get them? Or are there other alternatives?

Also what bore should I get the exhaust made at? Anyone one got any opinions?


Check the picture, anyone see whats missing???


The car!!!!!! :eek: (y) :D :slayer:

It moves!!! I'm so pleased that the sports clutch, box and engine along with all the other mods done, worked and it drives.

Granted its only gone out onto the road outside, as I need a few things, but it's a great relief and a long time coming lol.

JR - cc1 linked to that lambda cap in another thread. I wrapped mine in tin foil and sealed it from the air, and no more warning light!!! not I'm gonna spend £12 to get a proper fittment from his link.

Insurance is done...I couldn't justify the gf, sorry Alexia :eek:, and that cost £385, protected, third party on all cars, any mods i like as long as i don't go 10bhp over standard. Its a special cover so i can make loads of changes it it makes no difference!!!! :slayer: Thats with legal cover and all the extra rubbish lol.

I tried to seal the current exhaust and one sealed ok, but getting a straight pipe to seal to a flange is near on impossible lol. I have a rough quote of £430 with sports cat from a powerflow in cov, so prob gonna see if i can get it in on friday :)

@Dave - I borrowed a cinq cable like JR sugessted, James100hp pulled it from his off the road cinq and it works a treat! I have now ordered one from for £6 delivered from a guy on the forum breaking (y)

The clutch feels VERY odd lol, prob needs adjusting. The bay and wires need tidying, the induction needs more clamps, I need to re-check the fluids.

The brakes feel poor, maybe thats too much 100hp and PG 1.9TD brakes, or maybe i need to rebleed AGAIN :bang: Could also be the servo hose as well though, its fitted tight but not clamped at the mo.

I need to wrap the manifold and/or the cooling pipes as im worried they will melt.

Still waiting on the catch tank.

need to meet JR and cc1 for a mapping session!


Its almost there now and I'm on a high at the mo. Can't waith till its finished and i can give it some stick!!! :D


Dedication whooo dedication....... that's what you need

if your old you will get that one (probably just me and rallycinq then that ever saw roy castle live)

Well done with this, it's a really good effort plus it works :worship:

but you know this won't be the end don't you:cool: at leasy you finished yours before Arc and he had less to do :p
Right, It's powerflow coventry on Saturday as long as the car makes it there, so i need a plan of action!

I don't want it too loud as I'd be embarresed, but i want a nice note.

I don't want a fancy end piece, just something plain.

Threfor I think I'll get the following made up:

2" bore
small mid box
rear box
3" outward rolled tip in the standard position

I will also ask for the flexy directly after the manifold.

Now I'm not sure about the CAT. As its running on the 1.1 8v map it may be lean or rich lol. I may ask for a decat to be fitted so i can recat at a later date lol.

Anything else i should ask or specify? extra hangers? New rubbers? As you can tell I've never sone this before!

Any ideas or opinions welcome!

they are good there, ive been there before. may pop down and have a butchers pending what time you are getting it done (y)

if you speak to them they will do a de-cat and they will fit the cat again for you for free for the mot.

think you have made a good choice with the normal position exhaust (y)
They said drop it off first thing so I'm not sure what time, but i will ahng around and give you a bell if you like, PM me phone number again, I lost it :)

As for getting it there, it's going to be "interesting".

I took it literally up the street and OMG that clutch is vicious!!!. I knew it would be a bit harsher, but this is like a switch lol. I'd dread to think what a paddle wuold be like in it :eek:

It may take some getting used to but its not very nice at the moment.

Also I have a LOT of brake travel and poor breaks :( I'll have to sort this tomorrow night as its a very important feature.

It's VERY noisy as the manifold to exhaust bodge didn't really work too well lol. It also pops a lot on the overrun, which is pretty cool tbh (y) Does this mean it is rich though?

I had it cut out once (maybe i stalled it), and oil warning light come on, and a general lack of oommppphhh. Probably to do with the exhaust, fear adn the map lol.

I guess these are all teething problems but the MOST annoying thing is the whine i though was a beraing that I had done and sparked the whole project, must be a driveshaft :( Its still there :bang:

Thats it for tonight, rather dismayed and down in the dumps not lol.

Clutch is adjusted now and is ok to drive. Harsher than before but not too bad.

Brakes refilled with dot 4, pressure bled, slight leak under pressure on top of master cylinder between the expansion and the ms. Brakes are much better but not 100%, prob due to this reason.

Been to powerflow today, £340 notes lighter and the exhaust is done (y)

It sounds GREAT, and is the spec I listed above pretty much.

2" bore

manifold > flex> booster (said a mid box was too large) > pipe > back box > bend > 3" outrolled tip.

I took a video for sound but there was too much background noise, and even I haven't seen underneath yet lol.

Here's a preview though of the end :


As you can see the car needs a good clean tomo, before you see any more pics of inside and out!

Drives nice even on the 1.1 8v map, pull great from 4-7k rpm and plenty of top end ;)

A few more little things like the catch thank and ecu and it will all be done!

Am attending the stoke meet next sunday, so anyone going can have a look (y)


Sounds a lot of money but if you consider that a full supersprint system would cost the same or more then you've got a bargain. Makes you think about aftermarket exhausts a bit!

Nice one :)
looks good mate,

sorry could respond to your txt or come have a llok had a load of trouble with a car i brought.

they are good people up there, couldnt justify £340 notes though with out me having a go at it first lol :D

its come along way.

watch your fitness drop now you have the car back though :p
yeah it is a lot of money. Parts wise for the stuff required is still well over £200 though, so about £100 to bend, weld and fit, with a lifetime warranty and its not bad at all.

Buy a supersprint, which for my application would need cutting and welding, and be too restrictive, and it was the only way to go really. Also cut the supersprint and say goodbye to lifetime warranty (and your missing a flex section) Sounds great and looks great, so I'm a happy chap.

Shopping around there were several places that would have charged a lot more!

Glad you like it! Sure you'll appreciate it even more when you see and hear it on the thread or in real life (y)

Great to see its finnished and you seem impressed with the drive of it to an extent, i unfortunately wont be doing my cinq any more as have just brought a classic mini and can only keep two cars (although have though of getting rid of the arosa :chin: )

i would have loved to have seen this at the stoke meet but im on holiday
