I've given up with it to be honest...the exhaust and the fitters that is.
It was knocking the other day so i got under to address it. It was knocking on the bumper, so i had a look at the rear mount, and it was held on by my old rubber, a cable tie, and to top it off, a car tyre valve stuck through the rubber, to stop it slipping off the hook they put on the pipe :bang: Really shoddy if you ask me!
I also noticed the flange to the manifold is not stainless and is a bit rusty..possibly chopped off another old exhaust.
All the times i have been over and complained, have really worn me down and i just feel like saying f**k it...live with it, and try and sort out the knocking and mounts myself
The last time it was in, they cut away some of the bumper with what looks like a soldering iron or similar, melting parts away.
It was supposed to be one of the things that made it what it is...the engine..exhaust setup...and the wheels.....now i just get embarrassed as it looks a mess.
It is only leaking at the manifold now as far as i can see, and although he offered to weld it, i can't get it over there and not sure i trust them and so unsure what to do now

Try and get it welded elsewhere at ££ or try and get it replaced as it was blowing from new.
On another topic entirely....the
wheels should be on by tomorrow hopefully, I getting wobbly nuts from a local wheel place....I may need 3mm spacers on the rear that my dealer says aren't available any more, but i may just take a hammer to the trailing arm instead lol.
I also have an LC-1 WB lambda and controller sitting at home, am getting after market management, and am looking at a new TB or getting mine rebored
Also I have larger calipers to fit to the front, and am going to do a rear disc conversion. The fact my shoes are sticking every so often at the moment has persuaded me it makes sense lol
Oh, and finally, rear tints.....but unsure what type to go for?