Technical KriTip's 1.2 16V Sei Project

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Technical KriTip's 1.2 16V Sei Project

I met up with Kristian on Saturday to pick up His old temp sender T-piece & hose (many thanks again by the way), I can safely say that the job looks & sounds mint :)

Lets hope that the niggles get ironed out soon enough & you can just relax & have fun using all that extra power - looks very sleeper until you start it up!!!
Heres the exhaust from the front:


The back:


Some other shots:



All of those were taken with it tilted up 50% on the kerb so i could actually see under lol.

The bad though, Since fitted I have had a knock sometimes, but thought it was normal. When I took a rear passenger, it was 10x worse and I turned back to home because of it.

Below is the reason why :(

the rear box is knocking and wearing away the suspension strut! So I'll have to ring up and see what they say tomorrow.



Otherwise its still good and rapid!

I bought a ElmScan 5 OBDII fault scanner/logger/reset today so i can give some 0-60 times, and figure out what faults I'm getting and general geek data like coolant temps, rpm, speed, MAP, TPS etc etc :D All logged to the laptop.


//EDIT - what;s the silicone stuff used to seal the system to the manifold? I jhave never seen stuff like it before?!
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He even took it for a test run (I didn't know he was going to do that!!!) after fitting, mentioned how rapid it was, but never mentioned the knock, thought he would have heard it!

Just hope those struts hav thick walls, as it is actually scratching into it, ite indented :eek:

Hopefully it will all be fine, and some paint will sort the strut out, but I was a little bit annoyed. Will have to see how its remedied, but it does mean a day off work, or a long cylce for half a day :(

Went under and nearly got stuck when taking pics lol

One hanger is no longer used after they fitted it....Would make me panic, but that's when the original mpi manifold WASN'T bolted to the engine/gb.

Now the supersprint mounts to the gearbox bracket, there is really no need for the hanger right up front.

The other hangers seem ok. One seems to be doing very little, no stress on it, but it does feel solid and, by hand, hardly moves.

I will prob replace the hanger mount's for poly ones soon anyway.

heard this exhaust yesterday and it sounds realy good, quiet for normal driving, give it some stick and it roars and even pops :D

you have done a good job mate, should be proud of the little thing. its give me some enthusiams to finish off my car, wont be as fast but will be better looking :p
Well booked it back in today, took time off work to get there and back. Luckily my mother works over the street so i borrowed her car to get back to Nuneaton to work.

Came over this evening after it was fixed and adjusted.... it was exactly the same! They seemed a bit annoyed but finally decided to take it into a bay and i showed them what was happening. They said they hadn't noticed that, and on the test drive there was no knocking again.....that's because when i got there my rag was still tied to the strut :eek:

I can't afford to take any more time off now, so its going to have to wait till saturday :( I'll have to cut up a coke can to protect the damper a bit more.

on another note....

It was the first drive in the wet on the way home as well......i think wider wheels and tyres are high on the to-do list!!! It was spinning and sliding all over the place lol, had to be very ginger and VERY gradual putting any power on a bend! It certainly felt quite different in the wet, and as much as i love controlled sliding I can't be doing it all day long, especially when this a distict lack of control :D More expense lol.

What should i go for though :chin:

For improvement, i reckon 6 or 6.5 width, and 14" just so i can do the GT brakes in the future.

Clearance may be an issue with the lowering though, so i'm going to have to suck it and see I guess!

Any recommendations on tyres and wheels (yes i know, 1 million threads ;) but this is not just another tyre/wheel thread lol)

Cheers peeps (y)

It was the first drive in the wet on the way home as well......i think wider wheels and tyres are high on the to-do list!!! It was spinning and sliding all over the place lol, had to be very ginger and VERY gradual putting any power on a bend! It certainly felt quite different in the wet, and as much as i love controlled sliding I can't be doing it all day long, especially when this a distict lack of control :D More expense lol.

How long has it not been raining in your area? Cause I can tell you that after the first rain fell down after three weeks or so I felt like I was driving on snow for the whole day, couldn't take off from any lights normally, braking with my new braided brake flexi lines was also tricky. Water mixed with the spring tree dust is a factor too. What I am trying to say is that prolonged driving in good conditions makes you less alert and may have nothing to do with improper tyres or suspension. After all, usually on the first day of snow every winter all the garages are full of cars...


I've just been looking for wheels. As I have studs I'd need PCD of 98 or some wobbly nuts to fit pcd 100 to the studs.

To find a 14" wheel in pcd98 with 6 or 6.5 width seems a nightmare lol.

I like the look of the OZ Superturismo GT..14", 6J,ET 35, but 100pcd :(

195 or 185 seem the way to go for sure :) and there are quite a few good recommendations on the forum (y)

How can I get around the wobbly stud issue? I don't want to get bolts again as its a PITA, more money, and if i need to space out even more, I'd not know what length to get....

argh, wheels are a nightmare lol, now I know why there are so many threads ;)

It hasn't rained for a few days, and I remember how it felt when it did rain again. This feels like something else lol, maybe I can learn to master the new techniques though lol

I'd talk to performance alloys. I find it very difficult to believe that an Italian company doesn't make wheels in 98pcd (Alfa, Fiat. Lancia fitment) in 14 and 15. More likely performance alloys don't stock them.

I rather like those wheels, and they're very cheap. Talk to performance alloys (and/or to OZ in Italy). If they won't do you some, tell 'em you'll go to Compomotive (direct) -- that should really **** them off!
Won't wider tyres make it worse in the rain as the cars so light and can't displace the water?

Even in Blue on the evil, evil Dunlops, I've only had problems under hard braking in the wet, and that's with the big brakes. I'd anticipate (but those brakes need to be treated with respect, and you need to know to get off them) that with a tyre like the Rainsport you'd be fine.