@MSjoberg @theoneandonly @Fredastaire According to FCA Service News 10.17.09 of 14/04/2009:
The incorrect FBC value (Fuel Borne Catalyst or injection time correction factor) is analysed by means of EXAMINER
checking that the FBC of the single injector is comprised between -2 and +2 mm3/injet with the engine idling and
The incorrect FBC value generates the following problems:
-high particulate production-regeneration cannot be run.
This problems may be solved in principle as follows:
-check correspondence between IMA injector codes and injector codes written in ECU.-try to reset self-learnt injection
amount.-replace the injectors."
So, at least that confirms the test is carried out with engine warm and at idle. And it seems that if outside that tolerance, the DPF regen cycle is prevented from occurring - probably as a safety control to prevent over fuelling on Post Injection and burning the DPF (the DPF just gets blocked instead!). But, that does not explain what is occurring for those with injectors within those test values.
If you are wondering where I found this info, it is buried in the following document which you can find in the "Downloads" section:
The incorrect FBC value (Fuel Borne Catalyst or injection time correction factor) is analysed by means of EXAMINER
checking that the FBC of the single injector is comprised between -2 and +2 mm3/injet with the engine idling and
The incorrect FBC value generates the following problems:
-high particulate production-regeneration cannot be run.
This problems may be solved in principle as follows:
-check correspondence between IMA injector codes and injector codes written in ECU.-try to reset self-learnt injection
amount.-replace the injectors."
So, at least that confirms the test is carried out with engine warm and at idle. And it seems that if outside that tolerance, the DPF regen cycle is prevented from occurring - probably as a safety control to prevent over fuelling on Post Injection and burning the DPF (the DPF just gets blocked instead!). But, that does not explain what is occurring for those with injectors within those test values.
If you are wondering where I found this info, it is buried in the following document which you can find in the "Downloads" section:
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