Off Topic Ordered..just another 2 months to wait!

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Off Topic Ordered..just another 2 months to wait!

Arorat - welcome back. It's good to have someone onboard of the same mindset. Comparing Kaulitz's earlier post and his last one he's done a 180. If he concedes on this one - there's no telling where it will end up. And I thought the FF was about cars !

I don't quite follow..... are you suggesting without knowing the OP that this is going to end up like the movie "Single White Female" where Jennifer Jason Leigh moves in with Bridget Fonda and cuts her hair the same, starts wearing the same clothes, sleeps with Bridget Fonda's characters boyfriend and then tries to murder her? :confused:
I don't quite follow..... are you suggesting without knowing the OP that this is going to end up like the movie "Single White Female" where Jennifer Jason Leigh moves in with Bridget Fonda and cuts her hair the same, starts wearing the same clothes, sleeps with Bridget Fonda's characters boyfriend and then tries to murder her? :confused:

Slightly off Topic - but I rented a small studio (single occupancy) to an Indian guy - an IT guru - all seemed good - suit type - working for a multi-national as a C programmer. He brought his mother over after a month to stay with him because he was a bit 'lonely'. Before I knew it - his sister & brother were all in the studio - sharing the one double bed on a 'shift' system. There was war. I now strictly enforce the 'over-crowding' rule.
I don''t know the OP and TBH I don't know anyone on here. But if you post that you are annoyed with your mum who is getting the same car as you and then convince yourself that it's OK - it may not be OK in a month's time when you are commited financially for the next 3 years and you can't change your car. It might prove an expensive car - not only financially but emotionally as well. I genuinely hope it works out for Kaulitz.
I don't quite follow..... are you suggesting without knowing the OP that this is going to end up like the movie "Single White Female" where Jennifer Jason Leigh moves in with Bridget Fonda and cuts her hair the same, starts wearing the same clothes, sleeps with Bridget Fonda's characters boyfriend and then tries to murder her? :confused:

If I had a pound for every time that's happened to me...
Were I in the same position I'd have a word with my mum about her getting the same colour car - be honest, is she going with the BNW as it's a no cost option? Have a look through the members photo pages at the other colours available, and ask if she'd consider going for a coloured one to make the 2 cars at least different by way of colour on your driveway :)
My car does still have the Italian flag running up the car however it's hidden by the plastic covering. The spec is exactly the same spec that I've wanted for around two years, i ordered it just before the end of the quarter just incase the specs differed with the new quarter.
I'm not really a macho kind of guy hence the 500 ;) After all I don't need a masculine car to compensate for any shortcomings.
It really is hard to explain how I feel about her ordering the same car, I'm sure it does come over as petty. I'll just enjoy mine and let her enjoy her car.
I think some people replying have been a bit harsh with you . You are a young guy and you don't want to drive the same car as your mum . I can understand that .

Why don't you try talking her into ordering a different colour . Maybe try and get her to go for the Volare blue . If she's a Rod Stewart fan tell her it's the same colour as his Lamborgini Gallardo Spyder ! That should swing it lol .
Crisis averted, she thinks that the Fiat 500 is "more of a young person's car." While I don't agree with her I never voiced my disagreement ;)
I'm set to pick up my car tomorrow everything is in order however looking at the information Arnold Clarke have sent I need to bring along a utility bill and a bank statement from the last 60 days. I've managed to find a water bill from about 3 months ago and a pole tax bill from a few weeks ago. All of the banking is done online so no paper statements are available, utility bills are quarterly which confuses me slightly.
I'll take a passport, two parts of the driving license and some other bills / paper work that I have.
I'll take a passport, two parts of the driving license and some other bills / paper work that I have.

I took passport, driving licence and a council tax bill that was just about in date and it was fine. He also took a copy of the signature on my debit card too thinking about it.

Have fun in the morning - I collected mine earlier and had a lovely drive home :)
Congratulations! There must be a surge in people collecting and ordering their cars now that the 61 plates ares here.
I'm really looking forward to 5:30pm tomorrow!
Just a thought - I had to do all the finance-y stuff at least a day before collecting the car, I was told you can't do it all on the same day. Have you already done that bit (if using finance ofc)?
:p I mean a council tax bill which is dated 11/03/2011 I also have a water bill from about two months ago along with some other letters bearing name and address. When I was at the garage a few days ago with my parent I'm sure that he just mentioned passport, driving license parts and a bill from SIX months.
Why I said pole tax I'll never know maybe it was because I read the Daily Mail :confused::confused::confused: :p
Just a thought - I had to do all the finance-y stuff at least a day before collecting the car, I was told you can't do it all on the same day. Have you already done that bit (if using finance ofc)?

Whe. I first ordered the car I signed part of the agreement and a credit check was carried out. I was given a document that instructed me on what I'll need to do ready for the collection.
This includes emailing an insurance cover note for the car 24 hours before collection and then goes on to list the documents I will need to bring on the day.
Crisis averted, she thinks that the Fiat 500 is "more of a young person's car." While I don't agree with her I never voiced my disagreement ;)
I'm set to pick up my car tomorrow everything is in order however looking at the information Arnold Clarke have sent I need to bring along a utility bill and a bank statement from the last 60 days. I've managed to find a water bill from about 3 months ago and a pole tax bill from a few weeks ago. All of the banking is done online so no paper statements are available, utility bills are quarterly which confuses me slightly.
I'll take a passport, two parts of the driving license and some other bills / paper work that I have.
You will be quite please that she's changed her mind then . My mum bought a Panda just before i bought my 500 and that is a great little car also .

I got my 500 4 weeks ago and I can honestly say i have loved every minute that i have spent driving it . It is amazing how much space Fiat have managed to create in these little cars . I test drove a mini cooper before making my decision and I found it to be too expensive , very cramped with a poverty spec interior and also found the interior not very attractive to look at either . The motoring press keep harping on about how much better the mini is to drive but I don't agree .I thought I would miss the performance of my old z4 but I am not missing that car at all , I drive into the city centre every day and the high up driving postion of the 500 is ideal .

Anyway i'm sure you will love your 500 just as much ! Good luck for tomorrow !
.I thought I would miss the performance of my old z4 but I am not missing that car at all , I drive into the city centre every day and the high up driving postion of the 500 is ideal

you can't compare Z4 to 1.2 500, two different cars.

You will miss the Z4 for the high speed cruising, although sustainable in a 1.2 it does get tiring as I just found out after a 2000 miles trip around Europe in a TA. But the fun factor is there when you get off motorways to join side roads (y)