General General Panda thoughts

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General General Panda thoughts

Nope they are butt ugly, except for the 100hp, the new one and the ones with bull bars and roof racks, other than them all butt ugly

Yep, he's got it bad. Won't be long before another classic goes to a 'good' home. Its no good fighting it (pandaitis) or thinking you can drip feed a little and become immune, it doesn't work. I tried that (driving one just to help some owners get them to a show) and within a year I owned one :eek: . I've even started a thread warning of the dangers but I fear for you that warning has come too late, your infected and with no known cure you'll have to roll with it. Welcome to the club.
Yep, he's got it bad. Won't be long before another classic goes to a 'good' home. Its no good fighting it (pandaitis) or thinking you can drip feed a little and become immune, it doesn't work. I tried that (driving one just to help some owners get them to a show) and within a year I owned one :eek: . I've even started a thread warning of the dangers but I fear for you that warning has come too late, your infected and with no known cure you'll have to roll with it. Welcome to the club.

Maybe it's why we are all so understanding of each others' problems and why the forum is so friendly - it comes built in with the bug. We can all relate to one another, if we were all in a room we would sit on chairs in a circle, purple haze and Dragon Man would be at the head leading the session and we would discuss the car and parts auctions on ebay and gumtree to keep ourselves on the straight and narrow :sly:
My name is John and I'm a Pandaholic.

I had been in recovery since 1996 when the mk1 was traded in for a Maestro Clubfoot. I knew I was on the slide when that got traded for an Uno. I fought it and got a mk2 Golf, then it was a 205. I thought I had it licked but then I bought a cinq. Struggling I bought a Yaris nearly new, little did I know that I was only in a holding pattern. Taking a left field turn into a Hyundai i20 didn't help, trading that for a 500 just got me here - my fate was sealed, in a matter of months I was daily drinking in huge ammounts of Panda info then I was buying and buying and buying - I didn't care I just had to have more, mark or variant didn't matter, mk3, mk2, 4x4, Y10's, bumpers, seats, lights, tools, racking, and wheels, oh the wheels, too many to count, clothes, hats and endless hours on ebay and You tube, driving hundreds of miles for meetings with other Pandaholics.

I find taking it a day at a time and repeating this as needed helps:

God grant me the serenity to accept the Panda's I cannot restore,

The courage to restore the ones I can

and the wisdom to know the difference.

A day at a time people, a day at a time. ;)
My name is John, and i am a PROUD pandaholic.

been around them my whole life. first car i rode in was a panda... things got worse (better) since then, as i now have one.. err.. 2 now. (i am also drivng the marbella now. my insurance covers me to drive other cars :LOL: pros of being 25 :D)
On the face of it it would appear that I have Pandaritus more than anyone, but I don't. Loving Pandas and wanting to be involved with them and owning as many of them as money and space allows is perfectly understandable.

I'm not addicted at all, I can stop at any time. No really I can!!! :eek:
The twelve step programme to recovery... :D
  1. Buy a Panda.
  2. Buy another Panda.
  3. Buy another Panda.
  4. Buy another Panda.
  5. Buy another Panda.
  6. Buy another Panda.
  7. Buy another Panda.
  8. Buy another Panda.
  9. Buy another Panda.
  10. Buy another Panda.
  11. Buy another Panda.
  12. Buy another Panda.

* only eight more to go for me or do I count the mk1 I no longer have :confused: :p
On the face of it it would appear that I have Pandaritus more than anyone, but I don't. Loving Pandas and wanting to be involved with them and owning as many of them as money and space allows is perfectly understandable.

I'm not addicted at all, I can stop at any time. No really I can!!! :eek:

The first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem!

Seems like a lot of denial is going on around here :eek:

But I don't suppose anyone want's to give them up, I know I dont! (y)
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Oh lord grant me the strength to keep fighting this temptation and help me to help those who are to weak to see for themselves the damage this lust for the ugly square box is causing them. Please let me guide these poor souls away from endless welding fumes and relentless hoarding of spare doors and cup holders they have created to make their own accessories in a vehicle so obviously devoid of luxury. And lord please give me special strength to help our brother john the dragon man, to take his addiction onto myself and free him of his burdens (I'll take the nice black one on the right with the bull bars) so that he can again walk without shame in the world of the ford and vauxhall owners.