General General Panda thoughts

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General General Panda thoughts

John Your insurance allows you to drive other cars as long as they are not yours and are already insured or do you have a trade insurance as I've never heard of one policy that covers multiple cars you own. If there is such a thing who does it as I have a collection of pandas to buy lol
im not the registered keeper of the marbella, my brother is and he is insured on it..
my policy just says "Mr John DragonMan (;)) can also drive with the owners permission (so the DVLA? shouldnt that be registered keeper?) a motor car that is not owned or registered to, or hired, rented or leased to, them, their business partner or their employer, or is being kept or used in connection with their or their employer's business"

so family is ok right? haha
im not the registered keeper of the marbella, my brother is and he is insured on it..
my policy just says "Mr John DragonMan (;)) can also drive with the owners permission (so the DVLA? shouldnt that be registered keeper?) a motor car that is not owned or registered to, or hired, rented or leased to, them, their business partner or their employer, or is being kept or used in connection with their or their employer's business"

so family is ok right? haha

Correct John :) I turned 25 in November so the policy beginning the 26th of march will do the same for me :)
Just got to work, put the car in neutral to then go into reverse. The car just redlines by itself.
Reverse into the space, back into neutral it idles weird and then redlines and then settles down.

I hope it doesn't do this when I'm in gear.

This is what Char' was doing right before he throttle cable jammed up. Started with when putting the car in neutral and therefore having lifted off the throttle she'd rev like mad and then the throttle would come back. It got worse and would do it between gear changes and then finally just revs all the time now unless you adjust the throttle under the bonnet.
Yours could be different though because its got all this weird ECU and fuel injection stuff :confused:

Bloody Herbie strikes again. He's been fine for weeks and now he's a ****ing death trap. He's doing it in gear too. He was fine going to work, but leaving is when he started. I couldn't use KFC drive-thru I had to walk inside. :mad:
I don't have spi but my bet goes for faulty injector pre-resistor

See attached shematic, item no.23
Available from ebay (no. 23087783525)


  • 1.0 SPI.pdf
    1.1 MB · Views: 39
I don't know mate - I would say do not bypass it.
Key thing is to get the idea of the resistance value of the fully working one. Big punched 3.0 number for me is the resistor value but is it 3Ohm or 3kOhm ...?
RS, Farnell or Maplin should have 3.0kOhm or 3.0 Ohn porcelein hightpower (I recon max 10W) resistors like that.
Bloody Herbie strikes again. He's been fine for weeks and now he's a ****ing death trap. He's doing it in gear too. He was fine going to work, but leaving is when he started. I couldn't use KFC drive-thru I had to walk inside. :mad:
I literally have no idea about the SPI engines, never even really looked at the 999 Panda but when you floor the accelerator (engine off) does the pedal come back immediately if you lift off? Takes 10 seconds to check and would determine if your problem is the same as what I had.
I literally have no idea about the SPI engines, never even really looked at the 999 Panda but when you floor the accelerator (engine off) does the pedal come back immediately if you lift off? Takes 10 seconds to check and would determine if your problem is the same as what I had.

I don't think so, I floored it a few times on my way home and it just revs all the time.
Plus my injector light is on and off constantly.

I'll have a proper check tomorrow, it was dark when I got home.

EDIT: Any idea where the resistor is?
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Ok, he didn't start first time. Had to use the throttle and then the inevitable injector disco light started.

Took the airbox off to try and see if I could find anything and it just rev'd to 18,000 RPM, then went to about 1,000 and then back up all by itself, the throttle cable hadn't moved.

Theres 4 connectors in the throttle body, I couldn't get to one of them. But I let the car run and then just unplugged one to see what happened. The car only died when I unplugged the top one.

Couldn't see any vacuum hoses loose or anything.

The Porters and Haynes manual, don't really help with injection stuff.
have you made sure that the engine's earth is in good condition?
i had something like this happen on my cinq, it was because the earth had came away from the chassis of the car. the engine had a good connection with the battery, but not the car's chassis.

maybe if you used a jump lead to earth the engine onto the body of the car it may fix it..
have you tried that already?

just remember.. with electronics... you can never over earth!
Tried the jumper cable and it didn't work.

Went to work in rush hour, turning the car off whenever I stop. Get to work to be told. "Yeah, you have to come back at 8am"
Back home through traffic, up the arse of a proper Panda which the driver didn't like. :eek:

I slow down to make a turn, release the clutch, because the car is revving so high it catapults me forward 25 feet!!!

Have to borrow the Galaxy, the Panda is unsafe and undriveable. (n):bang: