Technical Fiat doblo 1.3 multijet issues

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Technical Fiat doblo 1.3 multijet issues

Those differential pressure readings are spot on mate, I would say your DPF is not blocked. Perhaps measure again when you've taken it on a run (if you can ?).

Wouldn't worry about the 78% at all.
Those differential pressure readings are spot on mate, I would say your DPF is not blocked. Perhaps measure again when you've taken it on a run (if you can ?).

Wouldn't worry about the 78% at all.
Ya will do, strange then as still got the issue with oil in turbo and blue smoke during regen just hoping doesn't turn out needing a replacement turbo 🙈
Was going dona compression test but that's going be a pig of a job as bad enough access when changed the glow plugs 🙈
Oil may have found it's way into the DPF as you say. Try the oil change anyway - at least that's a relatively cheap thing to try.
Ya I'll try this tomorrow as have a day off work, also unsure if related but on a cold start up as well as the blu smoke, engine idle rough has improved alot since changing glow plugs but idles lumpy and just above 1k and then once warm drops to normal level and runs fine
Think I've gotten to bottom of it, bloke I brought it off changed egr valve? Apparently did a service and a few other little bits.

However just changed the oil and had alook underneath and back of engine bay whikst there, appears alot of oil on back of engine, after closer inspection appears oil is leamikg feok around the egr valve and / or cooler. So guessing he's either replaced with a sub par part or hasn't replaced and just tried repair him self. Going take it apart weekend or when can and see if can see any damaged seals etc before buying new. Thays would explain rough idle and blue smoke and possibly the egr monitor on scanner 🙈