Established member
Assuming you mean Service news 10-23-19 dated 20/11/19 the latest software version for manuals without issues is V28. to be updated you need problems. I was refused updates from 2 Dealers without the correct error codes being present. I doubt if all dealers are as concerned if the software allows it and the price is right. So both V28 and V32 are the latest software possible on a manual (V28 without problems V32 with).I agree with most of your analysis,however,two points: you say that the latest software ecu version for manual x mission is v28.This is not what Fiat tech bulletin says.It says both auto and manual should be v32.Which would make sense if update alters fueling parameters.Also if Dpf regeneration over fueling is altered with new software update wouldn’t it be possible to see a variation in Dpf regeneration temperature by testing a before and after update with scanner?
Just my thoughts.
AS to regen temperature Problem is we don't know precise charecteristics they are trying to control in regen and precisely what went wrong, note other conciderations. the temperature profile of regen between early and late software versions may vary max temperature due to fuel injected mm3/injection or extendend period or total energy intake.
If you look at

DPF Regeneration
Ive been using Multiecuscan for a while now and along with my monthly blast up and down M1 have been doing health checks. Taking reading of various PIDs under standard conditions. I came across a measurement that tells you when regen is occuring...