One of the things all the Field Service guys would say, snottily, to management was,"Why is it there is never enough for you and your people to do the job right but there is always time for my guys to go out in the field to fix your fcuk ups?"I have had many wise words from various people over the years, one that stuck in my head from a lecturer at university was to “be lazy, if you have to do a job do it once, get it right the first time, over engineer something, make sure you do it 100%, because if you don’t you’ll only have to do it again so by doing something right the first time you’re being lazy in not repeating the task. The other was to use everything at your disposal to make the task quicker and easier. At the moment he’s only 2 but he seems to be getting the second part of it down, he just needs to learn to do things properly and only do them once. lol
A lot of these chrome books are made extremely cheaply, I remember during covid they sold loads of them in the uk but a lot of them couldn’t be repaired if they broke such as the keyboard keys breaking and were only good for the trash if they did go wrong. I don’t really have much experience of them, I don’t even know what hardware they use, I do remember they usually don’t have much storage space.
The thing I find is you can get a very nice Microsoft built laptop like a surface go for only a couple of hundred quid second hand which are strictly a business machine rather than for gaming
My old Chromebook is five years old and still works. Sort of. If Mrs.Cheest hadn't offered the upgrade, I'd use it until it died. The 128gb storage on that one would never have flown on my job, but for sitting on my backside in my recliner watching YT vids, it's more than adequate. I know the main problem with it is the replacement board I bought for it. Correct P/N, wrong version.
The new one actually has 500gb ssd and 8gb of RAM. It may have been halfway decent for my job.