Tend to disagree with you all, we had the three then, due to a new GP misdiagnosing a pregnancy and telling wife to come off the pill (apparently nothing was mentioned about alternative methods of birth control), she went to the 18 week scan and was told you are only 10 weeks, plus it's twins, I looked at it as a bonus and being used to a poor (financially) upbringing took it in my stride and knew we would manage, wife less impressed as in hindsight I think she was looking to depart the marital scene even then.
However I managed to provide for us all and no one starved, buying ice creams, chip and burgers at Steam Rally's tend to add up a bit though.

Great family fun on beach, moor and dog walks with all of us, even though after the others had grown up and moved out, I still ended up bringing up the last two 14 year old girls on my own and until they were able to buy a house together at 25.
As I have often said, I wouldn't have thrown any back, just wish I could have had them without the wives, I would have been much better off financially. Only out of work two weeks since 1969 in my whole working life, but still have no money