The Dash Camera Thread (Videos)

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The Dash Camera Thread (Videos)

Had an entire truck wheel / tyre appear out of the darkness on the outside lane of the Motorway once....It just rolled into my headlights and by pure luck it went straight past....I came of at the next exit which was only about 1/2 mile ahead and stopped and called 999 straight away....

Hopefully it ended up in the central reservation....I didn't hear of any delays when I got home....

Scary though! :eek:

Well it seems my camera is dying
after another green freeze of death
the video is getting more and more jittery and pixelated :(
Audio as ever - is pure crap :)


Autodysfunctional egotism. the driver felt hard done by because you overtook him in the contraflow and had to regain the place otherwise he would have cried himself to sleep for a month. I happens all the time.
Sadly, I see that sort of bad lane discipline too often. People in the left lane going straight, taking THE straightest route possible across the roundabout (so cutting up those in the RH lane).
People approach in the right but wanting to go straight ahead - so cutting up those in the left lane...

Heck we've even got a lovely spiral roundabout - all the lanes are CLEARLY painted, all you have to do is get in lane & follow it - but no, the morons can't even do that. :bang:

In this case, though, I felt it soooo ironic that the guy is berating the coach driver for not using his mirrors whilst cam guy is so obviously in the wrong lane - and believes 100% that he is in the right.

Can you imagine the fun & games if this guy felt he could get a decent bit of compo & a better car by simply not braking? "but he cut me up, look at my video..."
In this case, though, I felt it soooo ironic that the guy is berating the coach driver for not using his mirrors whilst cam guy is so obviously in the wrong lane - and believes 100% that he is in the right.

How's he in the wrong lane? Both went straight over at 12 O'clock as far as I can see from the video there were no road markings or signage to say otherwise.

I'm with camera car on that one.
How's he in the wrong lane? Both went straight over at 12 O'clock as far as I can see from the video there were no road markings or signage to say otherwise.

I'm with camera car on that one.
Did we watch the same video?
at 1.01 you clearly see a white car coming off the roundabout & taking cam guy's 1st exit.

at 1.07, cam guy is approaching the 2nd exit - HIS 12o/c / straight over exit. a second or two later, you clearly see a red lorry has just come from this exit, a white and a red car stop at the lines.
Cam guy is clearly behind & to the offside of the coach at this point.

By 1.10, he has accellerated to the point where he has drawn level with the front door of the coach.
At 1.12, he is braking as the coach (is clearly indicating) to take exit 3.
According to the highway code, the coach driver should begin indicating & starting his manouvre (checking mirrors etc) as he passes exit 2 - from his perspective, that is at timeframe 1.07. His mirrors would be clear since cam guy is clearly well behind & to the O/S of the coach at this point.

I count 3 exits, of which the coach takes #3 , followed by cam guy.

On google maps, the roundabout has 5 exits, 2 minors and 3 majors and is at Bassaleg (on the outskirts to the West of Newport). The approach road is forge rd (A467/A4072) leading from the M4 j28. 1st exit is Court Crescent. The 2nd exit is the A468 forge rd sp Caerphilly (a 30 zone).
A speed sign immediately before the roundabout says 30. Exit 2 has a speed sign indicating national speed limiit. Exit 3 is the A467 sp Risca & Brynmawr and has national speed limit signs.
As cam guy hits the roundabout, his speed, clearly displayed, drops to 30.7 but then shoots up to a maximum of 38.8 just before he hits the brakes.
Clearly trying to boot it to get around past the coach - which maybe explains why he didn't get in the right hand lane before the roundabout - to be stuck behind the 4x4 and two coaches.
Interestingly, at 0.45, a car swerves out of lane 2 to undertake - watch carefully & you see him also avoid exits 1 & 2!
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at 1.07, cam guy is approaching the 2nd exit - HIS 12o/c / straight over exit.


At 0:59 the second exit is clearly visible before he enters the roundabout, and its at the 10 o'clock position, not 12 o'clock, meaning the 3rd exit is about (can't see without a map, and grid reference in the video's takes me out to sea) his 12 o'clock position, meaning both camera guy and coach are in the correct lane.

EDIT: Just used you last post to find it on google maps, I believe this was his journey - - In which case I was wrong, and he was indeed in the wrong lane, but I blame the video quality on my judgment.
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no road markings tho.... which would make it upto insurance to argue

In common sense, left lane is straight and 1st exit
RH is straight and 3rd exit

However, the bus could have easily stayed in the outside lane there, no need to swap as he exits tho?
However - i cant see the exit clearly, it couldforwell be a 1.5 lane to 1 width lane on the exit

However - he's lucky he didnt go down side of the bus

no road markings tho.... which would make it upto insurance to argue

In common sense, left lane is straight and 1st exit
RH is straight and 3rd exit

However, the bus could have easily stayed in the outside lane there, no need to swap as he exits tho?
However - i cant see the exit clearly, it couldforwell be a 1.5 lane to 1 width lane on the exit

However - he's lucky he didnt go down side of the bus

You generally get road markings where the normal rules don't apply - for example, if they expect two vehicles to go around at the same time & exit in the same position - a busy dual carriageway, for example. the other end of Forge rd (cam guys start position). Left lane marked to go left to M4 and straight ahead, right lane marked straight on. at the roundabout, right lane splits into 2...
Not just common sense either, HC rule 185
So for your typical 4-arm roundabout, left lane = exits 1 & 2, right lane = exits 3,4 etc. (so common sense - 2 entry lanes, 4 arms = 2 arms per lane)

The coach was following the route exactly as advised in rule 186.

I agree that the coach could've peeled off into lane 2 - however, any cars following would be exceptionally p1ssed off at having to dawdle along behind a coach sitting in the overtaking lane & it's not normal procedure. The coach exiting in lane 1 gives everyone behind the chance to exit into lane 2 & get by - at least that's the way I was taught.
had this been a prang & gone to insurance, i reckon they'd have a field day with him, coming onto the roundabout at 30kph & booting it to get around the coach - If he'd stayed at the same speed & position, he'd still be able to make lane 1 in between the two coaches (if he didn't know where he was for example)
Its common sense - stay well clear of coaches and anything bigger than you.

IMO Cam guy was in the wrong lane to start with.

[ame=]this video[/ame] explains rule 185 well.
Like in some of his video's i disagree with coming off into the left hand lane

IF im on the Inside lane of the R.about, and there is 2 lanes coming off it, i will stay in the outside lane, and then move over afterwards if i need to

I dont see the point in crossing lanes as i exit the roundabout, it doesn't make it clear my intentions, an indicator is good, but most people either
A - dont use them
B - use them but dont change when they should
C - leave them on from the last one
D - flash once as they exit which is pointless.....

I'm confused :confused:

How can you be on the inside lane and stay in the outside lane at the same time?:confused:


Pink your on the outside that becomes the inside lane (green)
The red Inside lane becomes the BLUE outside lane

you could only do that if the lane markins say you can do that, which the video doesn't have so the normal rules apply

Ah, I see where you are coming from now!

I was taught - unless road markings indicate otherwise - those going 'straight' over the roundabout could use either lane, turning right - right lane. It was a no no to use the left lane (pink) to go right!

I find it annoying when you are on a busy unfamiliar road and you cannot see the markings because of heavy traffic and have missed the only sign (probably 'cos there's so much cluttering of signs nowadays) telling you which lane is which because the local council have changed the rules. I'll probably be the one who's going round twice but
if I drove a BMW, Audi or Volvo I'd have just cut you up.

Many's the time on the local mini roundabouts drivers all stop and stare at each other completely unaware of who's "turn" it is, well obviously it's mine then :devil:
(obviously only if safe to do so) :p
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