Since we do discuss lane positioning with video's, i've got a question about which lane to take
Set the scene
you go along a very short 2 lane carriageway @40mph
Lots of signs and road markings saying
1 lane to go to X (inside)
1 lane going to Y (outside)
As you hit the traffic lights it becomes 4 lanes
Outside splits in 3 lanes
Far right is Right only - seperate lights no problems
2 Lane which now have become the 2 right hand lanes for straight on have the Going to Y markings on them
the Far left has Going to X markings on them
As you go through the lights, the 2 lane going to Y go to the right slightly
Lane X becomes 2, going to X
The lane markings for Lane X quiet clearly has it pointing at it
The pictures talk better
Is Birds eye view
To show the layout of the markings

Is looking back at the junction as you have go through the lights, so by the bilboards is lane X

Is abit crap - thanks google!
But it shows how lane X becomes into 2
Am i right in saying, people come into the middle of the 3 lanes (heading to Y) and then push there way across into outside lane of the 2 going to X
Who has right of way?
its hard to explain, i dont have very good footage to yet, but if its not clear what im on about i will try and grab some clear footage