Just being nosey - what does everyone do and where do you all live?

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Just being nosey - what does everyone do and where do you all live?

That would be about right :)
oi my car is not chavvy, it is subtly modified :) yes i wear trackies and nike and have tram lines shaved in my head, halfrauds is just a job and 15% discount on anything (y) plus i enjoy fitting stuff and coversations with people about their cars, especially puntos get them alot :D
oi my car is not chavvy, it is subtly modified :) yes i wear trackies and nike and have tram lines shaved in my head, halfrauds is just a job and 15% discount on anything (y) plus i enjoy fitting stuff and coversations with people about their cars, especially puntos get them alot :D

Na nothing against you, its halfords. Went in today and asked this, what looked to be, 9 year old boy if these particular fog lights would fit my punto. He said ' yea yea they might do, err yea would think so they are fog lights after all'. Got them home, did they fit, did they my arse!!!! (n)
ahhh, so is this a case of "gimme an R"?

Gimme an "E"


Was just looking for that thread on who we are but Custard beat me to it.

My info hasn't changed since then other than me getting older :cry:

I'm a "mature student" in his 30's retraining for a new career. Ok, late 30's (yes I have grey hair coming through :( ) I'm studying for a BSc in Nursing at Buckinghamshire University and training for my Registered Nurse qualification.

I still drive a 1986 Fiat Uno but actually have FOUR Fiats on my drive at the moment. Soon to be down to two as it's getting a bit silly and there's no room on the drive. :rolleyes:

I live in the lovely town of Watford, so rich in culture and architecture (note: that was a strong dose of sarcasm). Jai and Owen (Oxicd) live not that far away from me.

Oh, and my house has three bedrooms and only one toilet. Quite why anyone would want to know that beats me but that seems to be the way the thread is going!
Na nothing against you, its halfords. Went in today and asked this, what looked to be, 9 year old boy if these particular fog lights would fit my punto. He said ' yea yea they might do, err yea would think so they are fog lights after all'. Got them home, did they fit, did they my arse!!!! (n)

ahh i point customers with similar problems like you to the parts desk where they can look up the car on the system and tell you whether it'll fit (y)
but i do batteries, bulbs and blades :D
22 years old, yorkshire, 4 fiats, 1 toilet.

oh yeh, my job... responsible for animal health hygeine and welfare at a pet store (doesn't really have a proper title - gets confusing on CVs :p ) hopefully not for much longer. Hoping to load the bank account up in the next couple of months and then try take on the big wide world being self-employed, doing tropical and marine aquarium maintenance for businesses.
Of course :D I actually quite miss it - driving automatics just isn't the same. Taiwan is even worse as they are all on the wrong side of the road - I caused enough trouble on the scooter as I kept forgetting and switching on the left hadn side :D

The plus side of keeping it too is that for every year that passes, the average yearly mileage goes down ... soon it will be low mileage for its age (y)
Jamie. 17 and i'm a security engineer :)

soon to be doorman but shhhh :p


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