General General Panda thoughts

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General General Panda thoughts

Do you mean if you are in neutral it will give like 3 blasts of revving and then just constant hard revving?

It has a few blips and then ends with full revs.


Bad Panda, in the town centre in traffic and yes, I will rev to 11,000 rpm all by myself.
The overcranked starter motor noise kicked in. I had to just switch the engine off and then back on. (n)
Barbara found this pic on Facebook, it's on an account that posts historical facts and pictures of Hastings. Caption with it states that it dates from the 80's.

Further investigation showed the Panda to be an 85 model in red, so one of the last of the Mk1's.

Wonder where it is now?
Barbara found this pic on Facebook, it's on an account that posts historical facts and pictures of Hastings. Caption with it states that it dates from the 80's.

Further investigation showed the Panda to be an 85 model in red, so one of the last of the Mk1's.

Wonder where it is now?

I've got part of it in the kitchen cupboard - it's holding some beans and tomato sauce together :eek:
Inspired...I went and googled LONDON 1980's and found this... Not as good, but it took 45sec... Must be more out there.

ImageUploadedByFIAT Forum1392336426.353108.jpg
What is it with the 'historical' photos? Now my memory of the 80s may be clouded by time but I seem to remember most photos were colour and black and white was considered old fashioned even then.
Actually now thinking about it a lot of 80s stuff was really really colour. Maybe these photos are best viewed in black and white.

on one side of the picture we see a car that is the cream of Italian design with:
sleek styles,
super high revvy engine,
light weight
and can put a real smile on your face when driving it.

the other side is a Ferrari.