General General Panda thoughts

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General General Panda thoughts

Blowers on hot. After 10 minutes, I turned the car off ate food and then I turned the car on and the heater is cold. The temp gauge was at 90 and stayed there, the car is NEVER at 90. I decided, i'll just go home.

On the way I noticed my main-beam dash light was faintly on. I turned my main beams on and off. The dash light vanished, the temp gauge dropped and the heater blew hot.

Last night I left work, I gave a friend a lift to the chippy. The heater was on, I turned the car off. Realised I wasn't getting out the car. Turned the car immediately back on and its a cold heater. Flick the switch from 0-2 a few times and I have heat.

Thanks Gavin, that sums it up nicely. (y)

Since coming back from Italy there has been a string of stuff that's had to take priority over cars. Bringing the workshop back up to speed started last Monday, and when I get time I have a few updates to post and loads of posts to read :eek: But fear not, I have not deserted you all, normal service will be resumed shortly.

Hope you all had a good Christmas, and (a little late but) Happy New Year!

Well Barbara has been in hospital for a few days, now back at home so I'm having a few days off to watch over her. I'm hoping that in between the nursing, cooking, shopping and housework I can finally catch up on all that's been going on. I also want to bring a few of my own threads up to date.

Sounds like I'm going to be busy doesn't it, truth is I won't be putting half as much effort into the housework as Barbara, she's a hard act to follow. No, nursing and cooking will take priority so that I can get back to Panda'ing as soon as possible.

Right, a few pics to upload/download? then I'll update the threads and try and join in with all the ones I've missed.
Hope she gets well soon, send her my best wishes. - And I'm sure she'll be fine living on your excellent bacon sandwiches Vern.(y)

Thanks Andy, you're too kind. ;)

Was great to meet up with you and David (Aquamarine) just before Christmas. Big thank you to both of you for bringing my wheels and bumper down, David even collecting the wheels from AndyPanda4x4 a couple of weeks before! :worship:.

Thanks again AndyPanda4x4 for picking them up from the eBay seller and storing them for me. :worship:

Panda express at its best (y).
Well Barbara has been in hospital for a few days, now back at home so I'm having a few days off to watch over her. I'm hoping that in between the nursing, cooking, shopping and housework I can finally catch up on all that's been going on. I also want to bring a few of my own threads up to date.

Sounds like I'm going to be busy doesn't it, truth is I won't be putting half as much effort into the housework as Barbara, she's a hard act to follow. No, nursing and cooking will take priority so that I can get back to Panda'ing as soon as possible.

Right, a few pics to upload/download? then I'll update the threads and try and join in with all the ones I've missed.

Hi Vernon,

I hope Barbara's on the road to recovery - please pass on my best wishes again.

I was going to ring today (but got distracted with Mum's Panda with a broken windscreen). I know you were hoping to have both Howie & Panto finished by now, but can see that more important stuff has been happening.

I'll let you update the threads in peace! I'm around all week though when you want a catch up. (y)
Best wishes to both of you... -- you've had it a bit tough, recently, haven't you...? :hug:

Take it easy.... :)

Thanks to all for your good wishes. Unfortunately I have had to have a major operation and can't drive for at least 6 weeks. Vern is going to have to swap all the cars around on his own and I certainly can't help push any of them! I'm not allowed to carry anything and can't even make a pot of tea. Vern has been very good but don't believe him about the housework! He has polished one table and dusted the tv but I did get it all up to date before I went into hospital so it doesn't really need doing yet! It will before the six weeks are up!
Po sends his best wishes, I think he also wishes he was with the other pandas in the wilds of Hampshire, having to put up with a 17yr old female crashing through his gears is not a pretty site. But at least she's getting better, especially her clutch control.
Thanks to all for your good wishes. Unfortunately I have had to have a major operation and can't drive for at least 6 weeks. Vern is going to have to swap all the cars around on his own and I certainly can't help push any of them! I'm not allowed to carry anything and can't even make a pot of tea. Vern has been very good but don't believe him about the housework! He has polished one table and dusted the tv but I did get it all up to date before I went into hospital so it doesn't really need doing yet! It will before the six weeks are up!

Just concentrate on getting better :thumbup: , your house was spotless when we collected Po and with just the two of you its not going to get dirty for a while yet so Vern can concentrate on you. You'll be back behind the wheel of a panda in no time :cool: .

Best wishes from Po and his family.

PS you've got to be fighting fit for the Chilterns Hills ;)
Po sends his best wishes, I think he also wishes he was with the other pandas in the wilds of Hampshire, having to put up with a 17yr old female crashing through his gears is not a pretty site. But at least she's getting better, especially her clutch control.

Poor Po. I know how he feels! I feel like someone has been crashing through my gears too! All battered and bruised! ?