General General Panda thoughts

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General General Panda thoughts


I spotted that last night too! (y)
:confused: was there an Alfa aswell, why didn't anyone say? :rolleyes:

Strange, I thought, that they had to mess around with what could have been an interesting review of an interesting car, by 'inserting' Mr Clarkson... -- but I wonder if this is because TG magazine was so critical of it; and that the Hamster is the only person who's fallen for it (in both senses...)? :confused:
Just got to work, put the car in neutral to then go into reverse. The car just redlines by itself.
Reverse into the space, back into neutral it idles weird and then redlines and then settles down.

I hope it doesn't do this when I'm in gear.
Just got to work, put the car in neutral to then go into reverse. The car just redlines by itself.
Reverse into the space, back into neutral it idles weird and then redlines and then settles down.

I hope it doesn't do this when I'm in gear.
This is what Char' was doing right before he throttle cable jammed up. Started with when putting the car in neutral and therefore having lifted off the throttle she'd rev like mad and then the throttle would come back. It got worse and would do it between gear changes and then finally just revs all the time now unless you adjust the throttle under the bonnet.
Yours could be different though because its got all this weird ECU and fuel injection stuff :confused:
Just got to work, put the car in neutral to then go into reverse. The car just redlines by itself.
Reverse into the space, back into neutral it idles weird and then redlines and then settles down.

I hope it doesn't do this when I'm in gear.

I have the same problem, the stepper motor seems to be the problem. Do you mean if you are in neutral it will give like 3 blasts of revving and then just constant hard revving? Because mine does that. It never does it when Im in gear though, blipping the throttle is enough to prevent it till it behaves itself again.