Some 8-9 year old kids were loitering around my car this morning. I have some Nike trainers behind the passenger seat.![]()
Probably trying to work out what the box on wheels is for, mobile shed perhaps, trailer, perhaps a home made vehicle of some kind. "can't be a car" says little Jimmy to his friend "far to ugly for that", "no" says Jimmys mate "must be a caravan for midgets"![]()
Coming from someone with a Rover in their avatar.
Some 8-9 year old kids were loitering around my car this morning. I have some Nike trainers behind the passenger seat.![]()
I would dearly love it if Rover had managed to stay afloat, however by the time anyone realised the money was an issue they were stuck with trying to rehash the same old rover 200, calling it a 25 and a streetwise and an MG ZR. All clever ideas in their own way, but still using the K series, it was a weak engine in the 70s and yet they still persevered with itthat and the car was old fashioned in 1993 never mind 2003.
I feel I may have opened a can of worms with my opinions here, but I really do wish Rover had spotted their problems earlier so they had money to develop new engines and new cars which would hopefully have been more succesful. Just look how well BMW have done with the Mini name! (Although it bears nothing more than a passing resemblance to an actual mini and is an affront to clever british engineering)
I would dearly love it if Rover had managed to stay afloat, however by the time anyone realised the money was an issue they were stuck with trying to rehash the same old rover 200, calling it a 25 and a streetwise and an MG ZR. All clever ideas in their own way, but still using the K series, it was a weak engine in the 70s and yet they still persevered with itthat and the car was old fashioned in 1993 never mind 2003.
I feel I may have opened a can of worms with my opinions here, but I really do wish Rover had spotted their problems earlier so they had money to develop new engines and new cars which would hopefully have been more succesful. Just look how well BMW have done with the Mini name! (Although it bears nothing more than a passing resemblance to an actual mini and is an affront to clever british engineering)
Er hang on, the K series was quite advanced (though had its faults!) when it was launched in 1989It certainly wasn't about in the 1970's - are you thinking of the A series?
The 200/400 of 1989 vintage was a good car - Dad had a 416GSi with the Honda lump & it was a quick sporting saloon for its time (the later 416 he had was not great). Rover slowly killed it through the various rehash's & lack of investment until it ended up as the pointless 25/45.
I think Rovers downfall was many things, firstly unions are the reason we have no industry now, secondly the people who worked with them/bought them limited what they were allowed to do so they couldn't compete with them. I still overall blame the government though who should have taken it over and kicked ass to sort it out. But then I think we should still have public transport and coal mines so what do I know
And as for outdated, have you seen how many Panda nutters there are buying rusting square boxes and love them. If they give me this disease and make me buy one I will turn up to shows and everything, that will teach you, you have been warned lol
Can't beat owning a rot box Panda, they are self-lightening you know, every morning you just need to have a look underneath and you can see just how much weight they've discarded over night. Just remember, rust is lighter than carbon fibre
Oh and the best and coolest rover ever made was the SD1 - I wish i'd bought one when there were alot more left, then i could've had even more rust piles on the drive![]()
Talks about Rover......hang on, just of to get my pipe and slippers.
Just checked Im wrong on the engines time, fair dos.
The rehashes were definetly a bad idea though.