Technical Fiat Bravo Problems wit first starting the engine

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Technical Fiat Bravo Problems wit first starting the engine

I have a 2010 Tjet 150 and is encountering issue of the car misfiring on a cold start recently.
Battery is new, Plugs are new, Coils are relative new at only 10-15k km of usage.

and the last 2-3 days, when i am parking the car or in very slow speed, when I am turning the steering wheel(in both directions), I will encounter the electronics in the car getting cut off, radio/dash and even the low beam will turn off. these happen in a flash. It just turn off and turn on again while i'm spinning the steering wheel.

Anyone encountering such issues too?
Check your battery terminals, earth cables and the one from the alternator to the battery.
After a lot of tests, most common solution here is fresh fuel because evap system is very "thought" for this engine. My car started perfectly while the fuel was fresh. Then, for a period of 1 month it worsen and was almost impossible to start it. No any errors in the modules. Check how many pipes are on intake manifold. Because of the constant breathing, the fuel got worst. Compare to the concurrent's manifolds of Ford focus, Peugeot 307, honda civic, where such piping does not exist


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