Thanks Mr Deckchair! This is rapidly becoming the single most stimulating exercise in my entire life!

An upper access door eh? How exciting!
Spielburg could make a fortune out this concept.... :idea:
'Raiders Of The Rogue Stilo'....
The reason I didn't play Tomb Raider in my younger days is because it hadn't been invented!....infact from what I recall of my younger days ''Pacman' and 'Donkey Kong' were state of the art as far as that sort of thing is concerned. By the time Lara Croft turned up I was old enough to be her father! Perhaps I am her father? Although given her ludicrously flawless genetic composition, it is unlikely. In fact its impossible as any combination of DNA between myself and the ex Mrs Camblet could only have produced something akin to a cross between a walrus and a bulldog......Lara Waldog?.....Just as well we didn't try very often to create such a creature. Although maybe we would still be together?, touring the country with 'The Camblet Circus'.....'roll up, up, see the Camblet Waldog girl/boy.......' Could have made a fortune.....
Oh well, no use pondering what might have been. Anyway, I digress...again. I will give it a go post haste. Or more likely, at the weekend. Something meaningful to look forward to, other than the football results and 'Dancing On Ice' of course.
As for you Mr Browney, there is a 'search' facilty on this forum if you took the trouble to use it.

I don't know, some people want it all just fed up on a plate to them. That's the problem with this country these days, people don't use their initiative. They just expect everyone else to go out of their way to help them out and explain everything word for word. The people who run this forum are busy people with lives to live and Champagne to drink......Mr Deckchair has very kindly written a very useful guide under 'Stilo Guides' (a fairly unambiguous title by any standards) to locating 50% of the airbag connectors. What more could you want to know?...apart from where the other 50% are. As for part numbers...what do you think this is? A Fiat Parts counter? Good grief man, get a grip. Life is too short to be wanting to know such trivialities. Read this thread (apart from my posts), read the guide, buy the electrical contact spray, search under 'airbags' and before you know it you will be where I am.....75% through the job with no guarantee that it will work when its completed. BUT with a secret tunnel yet to explore which MAY, just MAY contain the 'Ark Of The Covenant'. Fantastic!
I really don't think you can expect life to get any better than that and if you end up getting crushed by a massive boulder trying to escape the tunnel in the glovebox, in the context of human existence its small beer. Cheers!