Technical Ad-Blue Heater for -20C. Ducato Euro 6+ 2021 2.3 140 ZFAuto.

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Technical Ad-Blue Heater for -20C. Ducato Euro 6+ 2021 2.3 140 ZFAuto.


New member
Mar 15, 2024
I cant seem to find any information if Fiat fits an Ad-Blue heater to the tank or pump for colder climates. I'm off to Finland this winter and it get very cold. Was about to fit a Diesel block heater but this may all be for nothing in the Ad-Blue will stop the engine from starting as its frozen. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Ok Update spoke to Fiat and log a support request. The heater will only work when engine is running, so heater pad to be fitted when parked.

Hope this help any one else in the furture. My ducato 250/290 its on a German spec Van. So please for this as the uk isnt deemed cold enough for this feture.


Fiats reponce after giving Vin number:

The urea system fitted to the vehicle / chassis supplied, we can confirm has electrical systems for heating the tank and pipes so to prevent the AdBlue freezing (freezing point of about -11°C).

It is also equipped with a return pump to extract the fluid from the pipes, returning it to the tank and thus preventing freezing of any fluid left in the pipes.

If you require any further assistance, please reply to this email or contact us by calling Fiat Professional at 0080034281111 .

Yours sincerely,

Customer Care Stellantis EMEA Fiat Professional