General 1.4 t-jet bravo acceleration pedal info and q

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General 1.4 t-jet bravo acceleration pedal info and q


Aug 19, 2023
Guys Hello!
I’m very struggling with one issue and no one have answers:
When i put acceleration on 30-40% car goes good, but when i floor it on 4-5-6 gear i think the car dosen’t goes more hard… its so strange, on live data i didn’t see any problems, can any suggest what to view on live data and etc… Can it be the lpg map? But it doesn’t seem right, bc on petrol is the same problem? No errors and etc…
Drive it on petrol only for 20-30 km to rule out the LPG. Does this engine have an EGR? Check the tubes before and after the MAF sensor for cracks/ air leaks. Disconnect the MAF sensor and see how it drives?
Drive it on petrol only for 20-30 km to rule out the LPG. Does this engine have an EGR? Check the tubes before and after the MAF sensor for cracks/ air leaks. Disconnect the MAF sensor and see how it drives?
Hello, on petrol is same ****… it pulls for little strong and then its like dies in some percent like noticed percent drops. Its have something wrong maybe but idk what is it.. the car have 2 map sensors not maf, and dosent have a egr i think.
Guys please help, the car feels use a 40-50% of gas pedal, after that percentage of acceleration pedal, its likely same. We didn't have a good mechanics here in my city and its not good because i need to search a problem alone and fixing alone... Please give me some suggestions what to check, and what to do? I have like little PST sound, around the BOV valve, in this direction. Please help. Thanks in advance!
Is the engine remapped or stock? What spark plugs are in the engine, and when have they been last replaced? If you have MultiEcuscan make a log with desired boost pressure and actual boost pressure while accelerating full throttle in 3rd gear. I am not a mechanic in any way, just trying to help as much as i can.
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I was go to the mechanic and he found this errors:
P1141 Preheating resistance 1 downstream
P0139 Lambda 1 signal downstream (slow)

It's stock car. Mechanic say's its could be lambda 1 at the top, defect and for that to record this errors. I think its for the lambda 2 these errors. He suggest to try with a new lambda 1 and to test it if its same.. its catalyzer.
Sounds like lambda. Sensor 1 is before catalyst, sensor 2 after. Before buying, try switching the 2 sensors with each other. If i am correct the pre-cat sensor adjusts fuelling and the post-cat only monitors catalyst efficiency.
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Sounds like lambda. Before buying, try switching the 2 sensors with each other. If i am correct the pre-cat sensor adjusts fuelling and the post-cat only monitors catalyst efficiency.
Thaaanks for reply! And not on last pos, i DON'T have error for empty or clogged catalyzer, only these two errors. And from his opinion and ur's its like the lambda... I didn't have strange smell behind the car and etc. I can't switch 2 sensor, i didn't have a garage and its... some little cause to can't do that... i will consult the mechanic and will see if we have to switch. From the live data from me viewed, i was seen the STFT is going up and down at some cases...
downstream - under the cat, upstream - over the cat. Try with oxygen sensor extender, the one with a small piece of catalyst inside.
downstream - under the cat, upstream - over the cat. Try with oxygen sensor extender, the one with a small piece of catalyst inside.

Extender, its mean's on the first, or second lambda? Btw in that case i will update the thread: i cleaned the first lambda with petrol and the result is better acceleration, and lower consumption of lpg. On cold start the consumption don't goes up to 0.4 0.5 at one start and etc. Maybe i found the problem..
Extender is used to extend the sensor from the exaust gases, on the second sensor. Good that you clean the sensor, you can leave it for few days in petrol for a better effect