South West Castle Combe Classic & Retro Action Day

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South West Castle Combe Classic & Retro Action Day

Castle Combe Classic & Retro Action Day
Posted by Palio
Castle Combe
Saturday, June 29, 2013 - 01:00 AM
Until: Saturday, June 29, 2013 - 04:00 AM
(Adjusted for timezone: Europe/London)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: Europe/London

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates


Spirito di Panto!
Oct 17, 2005
Princes Risborough, Bucks
I am just applying for a stand at this year's Castle Combe Classic & Retro Action Day. This is on Saturday 29 June 2013.

We have had a stand for many years, and Forum members have attended for the last few - a couple of pics attached. (y)

Tickets are very limited, so please let me know asap if you are interested - a ticket gets you and your car in for FREE. Extra passengers are charged, as is any track time - you don't have to go on track obviously.

Whatever tickets are available will be first come first served, but I won't be able to confirm until much nearer the event.

Cheers, Gavin. :)
Re: Castle Combe Classic & Retro Action Day

Thanks for those who have contacted me about tickets (I've got the postees, pmers, and listed attendees). Everyone will be on a list in order of contact. Until tickets are received I don't know how many there will be - sorry, it's not ideal but I did say in the original posting that I wouldn't know until much nearer the time.

Even if free tickets aren't available, people can get in paying on the gate, so it won't ruin any plans. Sadly the free tickets don't arrive until a week or 2 before (usually), and as I'm not paying for them I can't really object ;)

Cheers, Gavin.
Re: Castle Combe Classic & Retro Action Day

Hi roughly how many cars are there on the day/weekend, sounds like a good day out..
Re: Castle Combe Classic & Retro Action Day

Can i come on stand then:confused:

I thought I'd answered this in post 9 :confused:

Posts 1 & 9 said I don't know until the tickets arrive near the event. Everyone who's asked is on the list in order of contact though (y) .

Everyone can get in, it's only a question of how many free tickets I get.

I probably won't know until the week before based on other years - sorry if that causes anyone problems but it's out of my hands.
Re: Castle Combe Classic & Retro Action Day

Would have loved to have come to this, but probably on holiday.... :cry:

Bad news: Mrs h has to go into work on the following Monday (during her week off...). :cry:

Good news: it's Pippin's 23rd birthday, that day (according to ePER); and it would therefore be nice to bring him down for this -- as we will now not be away, that day. :)

I should be able to confirm in the next couple of days... -- and whether it's just me, or the pair of us.... Let me know, therefore, please, if there's going to be room for us, once you find out. We could even bring a Mk2 and a Mk3, if you wanted...! :cool:

PS: Just had a thought (but it is very late: so maybe not a good one...) -- but if we brought the Mk2 and the Mk3, and Palio or VmanC brought a Mk1, then all we'd need is a Mk4 to complete rather a nice line-up (if Gavin could persuade his mum...)! :idea:
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Re: Castle Combe Classic & Retro Action Day

Good news: it's Pippin's 23rd birthday, that day (according to ePER); and it would therefore be nice to bring him down for this -- as we will now not be away, that day. :)

I should be able to confirm in the next couple of days... -- and whether it's just me, or the pair of us....

It'll just be me (and Pippin), I'm afraid: as Mrs h now has to be in London, late on the Friday. What a hectic life she leads... (and how quickly she's piling miles onto the Mk3...)! :rolleyes:
VmanC: I have a few little goodies for Betty, sitting in Pippin's boot. Will you be okay to take these away with you, if I bring them down to this...? You won't need your trailer, I promise.... :D
Re: Castle Combe Classic & Retro Action Day

Hi everyone,

Good news the tickets arrived today (y) , bad news there aren't as many as I asked for :( , more good news there are just enough for the cars I have on my list :D

So, as it's tight on numbers, please could everyone confirm they definitely still want to go on 29th? If you are doubtful please be fair to others & let me know before I post stuff out to you - I will be able to find someone else to use the ticket if I still have it. I need contact details for some of you too please, so:
VmanC & Panda Mo - Hi Vernon & Barbara - I know the answer to this, but please confirm you're still ok with 2 Panda shaped vehicles.
homeward - Hi Stephen - Please confirm you're ok to bring something Pippin shaped & pm me your address if so.
firecolour - Hi Colin - Please confirm your daughter would still like to bring the Panda & pm me her name/address/mobile number if so.
MR PANDY - sorry I'm sure I should know your proper name but I forget :eek: . Please confirm you'd still like to attend this & pm me your name/address/mobile number if so.

Many thanks & I'll post stuff out this week :worship:
Re: Castle Combe Classic & Retro Action Day

Hi Gavin,

We can bring just the one Panda if there are others wanting to attend, and why wouldn't they, it's one of the best shows of the year!