Grande Punto The story now, and as it continues


EDIT Adding this photo from 4/5/2013, and removing all other pics from this first post to remove the 'ugly' ones of my car from its thumbnail ;) Haha. I'll repost this "1st" post later on :)



1st Photo courtesy of benny279. Cheers pal!

EDIT 2: Decided not to repost, did do, but it looked odd. So plain deleted. Old naff standard 1.4 GP Sound on steel trims anyway ;) Not missing much, but the progression can still be seen.
Pictures are worth a thousand words

Couple of photo's. More can be seen in my gallery of the day. Epic day, great meal, great cars, great company and just a great day. I look forward to the next one!

Seeing as though i can't edit the post lol? I uploaded them to my gallery, then posted, then ben moved them to the event gallery, so links broke from original location, yet remain on the forum and still work. IDK how, but hey-ho. :rolleyes:
So took my rockin red steelies off today, and popped on my alloys. Was disappointed to note my alloys + tyres are 1" less top-to-bottom than my steelies + tyres. So the arch gap will always be bigger with my alloys on, pity. But hey, once the springs re-settle again having been jacked up, i'll be happy once more...until i get new tyres. Not low profile next time!

So, photo's below!




Ohhhh how i'm glad to have my alloys on. Ready for the Coventry, Ricoh, Pizza Hut meet this sunday now :slayer: Just going to give her a clean tomorrow as she's filthy currently...

Right now,

James :rolleyes:
Haha, yeah. I do love the Steelies lol. Don't think i have in me to run them all the time though, maybe if i had coilies i'd feel better....but not currently. And you should get some Abarths! Partsworld like me, Buy the fronts for £200 and you get the rears free! So call it £200 for front and rear Abarth lights basically, can't argue with that.

My estate is located right next to Coventry University Hospital. So before we had double yellows we had hundreds of cars in our estate daily parking. Causing havoc. It was like this for years, until they introduced double yellows couple years ago. Residents have permits on our cars 'excluding' us from the yellows :idea:

So, i'm on double yellows, but i'm not... :devil:
My estate is located right next to Coventry University Hospital. So before we had double yellows we had hundreds of cars in our estate daily parking. Causing havoc. It was like this for years, until they introduced double yellows couple years ago. Residents have permits on our cars 'excluding' us from the yellows :idea:

So, i'm on double yellows, but i'm not... :devil:

You what? :s

You have a permit that excludes you from double yellow lines? :s

How the heck does that work?

Ok, reading that it can be misleading.

The residents on my estate have a ticket/sticker in their car. Which, when parked on double yellows within our estate excludes us from getting a ticket. Those who park on them without such permit, get a ticket as/when the wardens come round...and they do come round. Outside of our estate the tickets on our cars don't have any meaning. Just for our estate, to clarify.

Lol, i wish i had a ticket exluding me from ALL double yellow lines in the UK haha! Is that a bit clearer Dom?
Ok, reading that it can be misleading.

The residents on my estate have a ticket/sticker in their car. Which, when parked on double yellows within our estate excludes us from getting a ticket. Those who park on them without such permit, get a ticket as/when the wardens come round...and they do come round. Outside of our estate the tickets on our cars don't have any meaning. Just for our estate, to clarify.

Lol, i wish i had a ticket exluding me from ALL double yellow lines in the UK haha! Is that a bit clearer Dom?

Yeah I get what you mean just never heard of a council doing it that way haha.

deffo need to lose the stickers dude

Says you with stickers on your car lol, or have they since been removed from your ancient forum signature? I like my stickers, not to everyone's taste i know, but people recognise me out and about via them (and i like that).

Big fan of your GP Jamie.
Hey, was removing your rear fiat badge awkward or costly? Really want to remove mine, keeping the punto one, but removing the fiat badge. If its going to cost me though to much though i'm not willing, as i need to ease up how much i spend on my car these days.
Says you with stickers on your car lol, or have they since been removed from your ancient forum signature? I like my stickers, not to everyone's taste i know, but people recognise me out and about via them (and i like that).

Big fan of your GP Jamie.
Hey, was removing your rear fiat badge awkward or costly? Really want to remove mine, keeping the punto one, but removing the fiat badge. If its going to cost me though to much though i'm not willing, as i need to ease up how much i spend on my car these days.

i dont have stickers at all anymore

and the rear badge requires the recess to be welded and then the boot painted
Yeah, thought as much Jamie. If i can find someone willing to do it all for a crate of beer maybe i'll get it done (lonngggg shot) Haha.

Just got back from booking my car in to be patched up, having reversed into a concrete bollard up at the Goole meet last weekend. Quoted £50 to get the area blown into the contours on the rear bumper. Won't be perfect, he wanted a £100 to do the whole bumper :idea: So we settled on £50 to get just the small area blown in. It'll be noticeable in the sunlight i reckon, but it'll be better than ugly black plastic showing through. He's also going to touch up a dink on the passenger side included. Thursday next week booked in for.
you could do alot of the work to keep the price down if you wanna do it fella... Take the badges off and clean off paint around it then go get someone to weld the holes for you, then you can grind it all back flat yourself and prep the panel for paint. Should cost much that way.
you could do alot of the work to keep the price down if you wanna do it fella... Take the badges off and clean off paint around it then go get someone to weld the holes for you, then you can grind it all back flat yourself and prep the panel for paint. Should cost much that way.

All the damage is on the plastic bumper, so even easier. But i'm hopeless with paintwork, so just going to pay for this chap to do it for me.
Now the mudgaurds are finally fitted, and the car is cleaned, here are a couple of quick pics. Car is all set for the meet tomorrow at the Pizza Hut, Ricoh Arena, Coventry :)





Cairnsy, the white Punto lettering really sets yours off for sure, compared to mine. Definitely going to try get mine done red i think. Doubt it'll stand out still, but worth a try.
Now the mudgaurds are finally fitted, and the car is cleaned, here are a couple of quick pics. Car is all set for the meet tomorrow at the Pizza Hut, Ricoh Arena, Coventry :)





Cairnsy, the white Punto lettering really sets yours off for sure, compared to mine. Definitely going to try get mine done red i think. Doubt it'll stand out still, but worth a try.

Flaps definitely need the writing done! Red would look good as long as its bright enough, give it a few coats :)