
Punto (Mk2/2b) The car I wasn't going to change...


Bought my Punto back in June (2012): to replace a (well it was originally) white 1994 Clio 1.4 RT automatic, that's now gone to Renault heaven. It was just meant as a second car: spending most of the time sat on the drive... -- especially as we had just ordered a brand new Panda TwinAir Dualogic... (which then failed to materialize: hence the 2009 Panda currently starring in my signature, below...). :eek:

However, something about this (extremely cheap) FIAT really got to me... -- whether just the sheer joy with which it revs; or the way it chucks itself round corners; or even the quirkiness of the electrics... -- and I found myself tinkering with a car for the first time in many, many years. Not since I owned a succession of VW Beetles and Mk1 and Mk2 Ford Escorts, in the '80s, have I had so much fun...! :)

Because I'm disabled, it had to be an automatic, of course. Also, any 'heavy lifting' means that I have to take it to a garage to be fettled... -- so the progress you see below is a mix of me getting (slightly) oily, and Black Cat Motors taking up the slack, and doing much more than their fair share of the difficult stuff...! ;)

I haven't got the stamina (or attention span) to post everything at once: so, for starters, here's the photo that attracted my attention -- and, I must admit, initially put it near the bottom of the list of cars I went to test-drive... (sorry) -- on AutoTrader:

More to follow, shortly...! :wave:

Here's how the car now looks (May 2014): (y)

Where did you get your wind deflectors from and can you remember how much they were?
I quite fancy a set on my 5 door.

Am rather liking this car I think because its essentially a great looking standard car which goes to show you don't need millions of mods and LEDs and stickers to make a car look good....

I hope you declared that piece of battery wood to your insurance co ;)

Thanks! (y)

The deflectors are Team Heko; and they cost £42, from Amazon, in July, last year! :cool:
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thanks might get some after payday

Must not have been awake, last night... -- as I've only just noticed that the set you linked to only appear to be the fronts. :eek:

If you want the full set, there are currently some on eBay (and for only a quid more than the Amazon ones...). (y)
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As discussed in another thread, bits of the suspension were in need of replacement. So -- after taking advice -- and spending far too long with my head under the car -- I decided to renew the following: :eek:

  • all four shock absorbers;
  • all four coil springs;
  • the top mounts;
  • the wishbone arms;
  • the track-rod ends; and
  • all four ARB bushes.
I am nothing if not (too) thorough, when it comes to looking after my cars: and, although there's not much to see on the surface, the ride is massively improved; the 'stance' is better (with equal gaps between each tyre and wheel arch -- even sat on a sloping drive, as seen below; and no sagging...); the Punto seems (subjectively) also to handle a damn' sight better (as you would hope/expect...) -- especially in the corners... -- although I think no car of this size is ever going to waft over the local pothole-ridden country (and town centre) roads.... :)

Surprisingly, to me, only one nut was seized: on the nearside front bolt holding the hub to the strut. However, one of my locking wheel nuts -- which I've been struggling with for a while... -- finally gave up the ghost: so I'm now the proud owner of a new set.... :eek:

More surprisingly, my top suspension mount 'peg covers' were transplanted...! :D

And yes, I know, Priscilla's engine bay needs a damn good clean... -- but when you pick up this much grit in just fifty miles of driving roads in constant use by the local farmers, their machinery, and their animals: it's a bit like painting the Forth Railway Bridge.... :eek:

At least bits of the suspension are still shiny (probably not for long, though...)! (y)

Thanks to everyone on the Forum for their help and advice; and, as always, to Big Mick, at Eurocarcare; to John, Dan and Kirsty, at Black Cat Motors; Euro Car Parts; and the amazingly helpful Nathan, at Exhaust Tyres & Batteries -- who did the final wheel alignment on his super-duper fancy gizmo thingummy. (It produces some rather nice, detailed printouts -- that's for sure...!) :worship:
POst up the print out

Your wish is my command...! :worship:

Before alignment (but after everything had been fitted); and then after... -- note how many measurements at the front have changed from red to green! (I wish I'd taken a photo of it being measured, though... -- it was very, very clever....) :)

I'd have had this done, anyway, of course... -- but it was obvious from the steering wheel angle (a couple of degrees to the right), immediately after fitting, that the alignment needed doing. Realistically, though, there's very little that can be done about the rear, of course: but at least the thrust angle is as near straight ahead as dammit. (y)

Am I the only one, by the way, that's juvenile enough to think that it's cool that my car has a "thrust angle"...?! :D

Im thinking my cars Bum is going, horribly cruddy springs and shocks
I think i'd do rear then front.... alot of work has gone into it

Yeah... -- the saggy bottom syndrome (something I associate more with Ford Escort ownership...) starts to become noticeable at this age. The cracked spring didn't help.... The car now sits so level, though, I can't help but smile each time I park it, and walk back to it....! (Although I'm presuming the front, especially, will settle a few mm, over the next few weeks....) :)

Because you take such care with/of Bumblebee, it definitely deserves the same treatment...! :slayer:

Its nice to see a punto really cared for!

Thanks! But this from the guy who possibly does more for/to his Punto, by way of maintenance, than nearly anyone else on the Forum...! :worship:
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If you look at this thread, you'll see that I've been having minor problems with my instrument cluster. (Oo-er.) :(

Anyhoo: a replacement arrived, this morning (with approximately 20,000 less miles on it...): so I thought I would have a go at fitting it. Originally, I was going to get the SMD replaced that had failed (a not insignificant one: being the "injection system failure" light...); but found a replacement cluster -- from an identical car -- for only a few quid, on eBay. :)

Didn't take long, therefore, in the end. Didn't even need poxy proxy aligning (because it was also from a Speedgear...) -- just updating the mileage, with MES. Simples. :D

Took the car for a run, and checked the speed against the GPS; and then the speed, revs and engine temperature against the read-out from my Bluetooth OBD dongle. All were spot on...! (Well, actually, of course, the speedo over-reads... -- but only by as much as you'd expect....) (y)

While I had MES connected, I had a run through the diagnostics, etc., as well... -- and everything is fine. Let's hope it gets through the MOT (in two months) as easily...! :rolleyes:
Haven't done anything to Priscilla in ages (apart from drive her... -- and she's pulling as smoothly as ever...) -- as my breeding Pandas have been taking up my automotive time. :eek:

Anyhoo: she did over 500 miles, in four days, recently -- and here she is, parked a few miles south of Coniston, in the Lakes. :)

Next thing will be new tyres: as the Toyo Proxes have seen around 14,000 miles; and the tread is starting to get a bit low for my liking (especially at this time of year). Watch this space...! :wave:
were you up here for long? did you get much of a tour around the lakes ?

Sadly, it was a one-day, spur-of-the-moment trip. A 5.5 mile amble around Ambleside (and down to the lake); and then a drive back to Lankyshire (where my ma and pa live) via the far side of Coniston Water. :eek:

Looking back through my photos, I realized that I haven't been up there for eight years.... Shocking, when you consider I used to go walking in the Lakes, Wainwright in hand, nearly every weekend, in my youth. :eek:

Hopefully, be back sooner, and for longer, and will let you know.... :cool:

I'm ignoring the comment about the Punto's cleanliness. After all the recent rains, though, it's a lot less mucky that it was.... :p
Did you just spray your side repeaters? They look really naughty!(y)

Ta! (And I just love your use of the word "naughty"...!) (y)

I bought them ready-smoked (i.e. in dark plastic) from TMC Motorsport; and fitted amber bulbs, at the same time... -- I'm trying to go for a sort of black highlights theme, whilst remaining fairly subtle.... :chin: