siecento wiring problem

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siecento wiring problem

Hi and welcome to the forum :wave:
Yeah if you take as High res pic as possible i can label it up for you if you want. Do you know anything about HU wiring i ask so i know what sort of level you are at, it would be pointless going into too much detail if you just want a bit of clarification.
thanks heres the colous if you can't make them out
black and violet
black and white x2
red and black
red and green


  • Photo-0001.jpg
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Ooops sorry i forgot that i was looking at this the other day. I would honestly suggest that you let somebody who knows about HU wiring take a look at it. The wires arent glaringly obvious to me looking at the pic or have they been extended in some way from the original wiring in the car. Somebody who owns a Sei may know more than me.
Basically if i were doing it it would be a bit of trial and error which is very difficult over the interweb.