General Panda V Passat

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General Panda V Passat

Had a look at the Pandas on Pewsham's forecourt and my tailgate is indeed a little bit down.


I was trying to figure out what this was on the headlining. I think it's underseal that's sprayed through a hole when they did underneath.
Why do people do a crap job, and then it takes much longer to go back or sort what they bodged.

Best of luck for some action.:bang:
It's away off next week for the third time.

If they'd actually priced the job at the start for all the time they've spent on it, it must be close to a write off.

eg. For the O/S rear door they did:

Unbolt door and slide forwards. - Reject
Unbolt door and slide it back.
Adjust window frame, scratching glass - Reject.
Order new glass and replace next week.

All that nonsense for what should have been five minutes pushing the top of the frame in by a couple of mm.
Here we go. Tailgate realigned and a new window fitted. This I think is about as good as they're going to get it.

It just looks that way in the photo. It is I think fractionally higher than the one on the blue Panda pictured a couple of posts back.
So the ulimate question. Are you going to accept the car?

I would ask you insurance for the complete costs of repair (needed upon renewal normally) and then depending upon costs, ask why they didn't just write it off. I know my insurance will replace car for a new one in first year if it costs over 60% of new price to repair it.
I'm not sure what to do really.
It doesn't really warrant a write-off, but the repair I'd only rate as 'passable' and that's after sending it back three times.

Here's a close up of where they've resprayed the C pillar after pulling it out.
It seems David Rolls, the MD of BP Rolls likes to Google his own company. I wonder if he'll find his way to this thread...

Well it took me a few months but sitting here bored on New Years Eve I did indeed google my own company and indeed hidden away I did find your post.... I have to admit I smiled at the irony of stumbling across your invite, then I sighed, alas your not a happy customer and I will bring the matter up with the Director responsible for that branch and if there are any lessons to be learned we will find them.

I only acquired the business in July 2009 in a poorly managed state and it would be fair to say that some dramatic changes had to be made to the business to turn it into something Id be proud of. All management were replaced.

I have to say without knowing our side of the story (if there is one) you appear to of been very patient and deserve your car to be perfect.

Ill be in touch.


David Rolls
Managing Director
BP Rolls Group Ltd
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I only acquired the business in July 2009 in a poorly managed state and it would be fair to say that some dramatic changes had to be made to the business to turn it into something Id be proud of. All management were replaced.

David Rolls
Managing Director
BP Rolls Group Ltd

good evening mr rolls, we've been expecting you.....

in all seriousness, well done for signing up, under your own company name no less, our pandista are a nice, but very determined bunch. no doubt a peruse through the forum as a whole will reveal many a horror story that dealers have put our members through. it sounds like you take this kind of thing very seriously, and are doing the right thing. best wishes for 2010(y)
Mr Rolls,

It takes a strong person to sign up and admit to a mistake. I hope you can resolve the repair issue, and continue to improve your company, as your 1st steps seem impressive.

Let us not forgot whether we own a panda or a ferrari, accident damage should be virtually untraceable, as the owner (particularly this one being so new) has been the unfortunate victim of an accident, and pays good money for an insurance policy.

Happy new year to all!
I think it's highly commendible that the Director of a company signs up on here & admits where mistakes have been made, hopefully progress is being made on turning things around :)

My main problem is why the hell the OP even allowed the car to be repaired? If someone had gone up the back of me and i was in a car less than a yr old, id have been getting a new one. Why has he put up with it? It won't withstand another crash properly & it'll be impossible to sell without reducing the price significantly compared to non-crashed Pandas.

Im sorry but i'm absolutely stunned that someone has put themself through all this sh*t for other peoples mistakes.
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Its not been written off after all and alot of people don't seem to be able to tell a written off car from another without a HPi check normally ;)

My mistake, i had it in my head that it was a Cat D, but it isn't. Though if i looked at that spare wheel well under the car, alarm bells would ring about its history. Dunno if that's been properly repaired now?

I still wouldve insisted a replacement car in the circumstances.
My mistake, i had it in my head that it was a Cat D, but it isn't. Though if i looked at that spare wheel well under the car, alarm bells would ring about its history. Dunno if that's been properly repaired now?

I still wouldve insisted a replacement car in the circumstances.

Oh, I compleatly agree.

I'd be interesting at what the origional estimate of repair was, and what total cost has worked out at. I'd have said that was fairly close to value of the car only being 'active' spec.

My stilo was rearended here, and this was £2600 worth of damage!
Oh, I compleatly agree.

I'd be interesting at what the origional estimate of repair was, and what total cost has worked out at. I'd have said that was fairly close to value of the car only being 'active' spec.

My stilo was rearended here, and this was £2600 worth of damage!

Yeah the amount charged for accident repairs is horrendous, especially considering what a co*k up they can make of it.

Looks like youre lucky to have the tow bar fella - was £2600 repair not enough to cause it to be a write off?