OK. Been away for a week, but on Monday Panda came back from the body shop. And went straight back again...
You might recall this image I posted a while back. I didn't take another picture, but it came back exactly the same. C pillar pushed towards the door. They hadn't touched it.
Anyway, complained and they said they'd sort it. So it came back today. I was at work so couldn't look at it 'till later.
It came back looking like this.
The gap between the C pillar and the door is now the same as the other side, but the glass still doesn't line up with the door. Hmmm. More on that later...
Another thing up with the door was that the top of the door was bent outwards a little. Now it's bent in and sunk into the door frame...
Oh look. Overspray on the seatbelt.
Overspray everywhere really, though this stuff should hoover out.
Underneath they seem to have done a reasonable job of replacing the boot floor, but it's very obviously not original.
What's this dangly connector do?
Paint chip where rear light has hit the body. They missed that.
Trying to close the boot and it just bounces open again. It needs a mighty slam to close it. It's only the striker plate badly adjusted but it shouldn't come back like that...
Also. The driver's door now requires a similar slam to close it. It wasn't like that before. It wasn't like that after the crash either!
Lets have a look at the shut lines here.
Here's the drivers door.
And here's the passenger door. See the gap with the A pillar? Bit different isn't it?
Yep. Going back to the original problem with the C pillar being out, what they've done is try to bull**** me by moving both doors forward and hoping I wouldn't notice
Looking at the drivers door hinge bolts you can just see the chips where they've adjusted it.
On the hinges for the rear door which are more visible, you can see where they've painted the bolts to try and hide what they did.
By now I'm quite cross. In the morning I'm going to pop down to the local Fiat dealer (Pewsham/Supersaver) Ask how much it's now worth in part exchange and have them tell me its a worthless bent piece of crap and they wouldn't take it at all.
Then I'm going to phone the insurance company and shout at them until they buy me a new one.
BTW the people who did the sterling repair job are BP Rolls in Swindon (Formerly Titcombe Garage).