interesting point surely its the whole experience not just the end result!
I not gay i just never experienced a womans orgasm lol. But what i meant was that the method is instantaneous a woman may moan an juice a bit before orgasm and after orgasm but they will not be sustaining it for the whole time actual climax scientifically speaking is surely a matter of seconds with nice bits round that time. Could you cum for 15/20 mins.
Sorry i had to say it could you last 15/20 mins at all.
i wouldnt have thought that a woman could cum for 20 mins.... maybe repeatedly over a 20 minute period
i wouldnt have thought that a woman could cum for 20 mins.... maybe repeatedly over a 20 minute period
Maybe some research is needed... :devil:
Maybe some research is needed... :devil:
Last Updated: Wednesday, 14 January, 2004, 17:12 GMT
Epic Fail...
bring it
So it wasn't a headline from today.
Which means she was searching the bbc website for 'orgasm'
for once i am in agreement with the substitute for capacity:
I'll go with that
Why not combine the two though?
can take a fisting and handy with a spanner
it was top of the most emailed on todays front page :bang:
Hey Lolita, you don’t need one of those gadgets, I have found you the perfect Orgasm machine…
Women around the world are being told they can now have an orgasm at the touch of a button.