General Newbie from Jersey

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General Newbie from Jersey

Macca Jsy

New member
Sep 27, 2011
Hello everyone!

I've just signed up and thought I ought to say hello to you all. I'm Macca and I'm from and live in Jersey, Channel Islands. I'm happy to say that I've just bought a fabulous 1.2 Sport 500 in Black and am absolutely loving the experience so far (y)

My car is just over a year old and i'm the second owner. I have just downsized from a Renaultsport Clio 197 and can safely say i'm very pleased I did. This 500 is actually the third small Fiat i've owned as my first ever car back some 13 years ago was a Panda which I followed up with a Seicento. Then I went off the rails a little and had a couple of Renault Clios before finding my way back to Fiats last week with my 500.

I've had a look around the site and am really looking forward to chatting with you all about these brilliant cars (y)

Macca, hi, I hope you enjoy your new motor as much as my missus and I enjoy ours.

I know I've personally droned on about it a couple of times on the forum and I know it's a personal choice thing, but if you haven't done so already, have a think about ensuring that the 3rd year dealer warranty is transferred into your name and also consider updating the International Security Register with the etch code on your windows. You will probably have to pay for both though, 27 and 21 pounds respectively.

It's only advice, there are people who will tell you not to bother. It's all down to risk at the end of the day. Your choice, no one elses's.

Ps, Make sure you get that motor on the Supercat to Weymouth or Poole at least once a year and fire it down the M27 to jerk the cobwebs out of it!!! Only joking, although doing 40mph a lot of the time must be a little bit frustrating!
Thanks for the welcome guys :D

Funnily enough John Nettles was in Jersey last weekend at a local film festival. They had a bit of a shindig to celebrate 30 years since Bergerac and a lot of the old cast came over for it (Sean Arnold, Lisa Goddard etc).

The 500 is absolutely ideal for over here as we have very small roads and a pretty low speedlimit....however you'll be glad to hear that we go to France quite often as it's not very far away at all and so the car will have a good clearout on the autoroute!

I'm definitely going to do the warranty thing and international security thing as i'm planning on keeping my 500 for quite a long time.
Great to hear from you. I used to visit Jersey and Guernsey very regularly on business. I love the way you have the filter in turn roundabouts- I assume that's how thay still work.

What a wonderful car to have on such a lovely island! (y)
Great to hear from you. I used to visit Jersey and Guernsey very regularly on business. I love the way you have the filter in turn roundabouts- I assume that's how thay still work.

What a wonderful car to have on such a lovely island! (y)

Yes we do still have filter in turns over here and I think they are such a simple yet clever idea that really you guys ought to adopt them over there on the mainland! :D