Good evening nutters!
I ran at QingQing screaming again this weekend and got a whole bunch of things done
I replaced the rear shock with new ones which wasn't completely necessary but seeing as there are new front shocks and Pandaraid is going to be quite challenging it makes sense I think...
Then I started on the sump guard :devil:
Bought a sheet of 3mm aluminium off the eeeebay (didn't need to be treaded but it was the best value and will still look good)...
Cut out the shape and started to bend it round the standard 4x4 sump guard frame:
Welded a captive nut onto the 4x4 sump frame:
Painted up to look totally professional
Then after some gentle persuasion (hammer) I gave it a try...
It isn't perfectly straight but some adjustment can be made (hammer

Anyway, I think it will do the job nicely. It is wider than the original but is clear of all suspension bits so should be ok:
It extends beyond the original one a bit as well and should help to protect the gear linkages and other bits:
Finally fitted the number plate roughly where it was on the bumper. There will be some spot lights fitted which will bolt through the sump guard and through the bumper I'm grabbing off David :slayer: (@aquamarine) and these will help to pull it tight against the bumper.
I also had a go at fitting the roof bars I bought ages ago... they don't seem crazy safe on the back bit (where there is a small ridge for it to hook into). You can wiggle it loose if you try. Eventually it will have a platform bolted across the 2 though, which should help to hold it all onto the car... I hope
Anyway...Pandaraid 2014 entry UK!! Woop Woooooop!!