Well Qing Qing hasn't had much love since all her adventures this year (apart from a good clean!!). So I set about sorting out a few things. She was overheating so I checked the water level which was low...that seems to have sorted that out. Result!
However a new fault with the choke has developed (uncontrollable high revs and stalling under load when started up), which was the final straw for the auto choke I am afraid. So I ordered myself a conversion kit (feel like I am living in the 90's right now haha!) like
this one.
It basically replaces the spring which moves the choke as it warms up with a spring connected to a choke cable. And what a transformation, runs so smooooth!
Anyway, here are some photos of the new parts fitted:
The new attachment to the side of the carb:
Bi-pass the hot water pipes:
And the really funny bit...
Fit choke where it is normally fitted on the 2wd (and later 4wd I know

) juuust above the mk1 4x4 engine speed adjuster....wish they hadn't labelled it up as a choke as now it looks like it has 2 chokes!! haha...
Anyway, I should have a nice reliable carb now both in winter and summer