Technical Low coolant warning- no?

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Technical Low coolant warning- no?


Dec 29, 2021
Hi Everyone,

I have had very little trouble with our 2013 4x4 TA, so this one caught me a bit off guard.

Its dropped all or most of its coolant- ive not been able to take a proper look yet (happend last night on the school pickup!), but its coming out as fast as i can pour water into the tank, from somewhere in the engine bay (not radiator) so im actuially not too worried about finding the burst pipe or whatever has let go. Cold radiator, hot engine.

The coolant actually was lost the day before (i remember the funny smell, the increased temperatrure). , but couldnt investigate. Only a short drive and seemingly no damage done. But ive still had no warning of low coolant. There is no sensor on the fill cap or anywhere i can see. Fill tank is drained empty. should there a warning for this??

thanks all!

I've had a couple of cars and serviced another couple, but have not seen a coolant level sensor. There's always a coolant temperature sensor and when there's no coolant (or an air lock) in the system, it warns the driver about the temperature drop.

However I've never owned a Panda nor a car with a twinair engine.
thanks for the reply everyone. I thought pretty much all cars had warnings for this :/ even my 40yr old vw does! ah well. live n learn :)
it turned out to be a cracked thermostat housing- the plastic hose nipple had sheared right off. the replacement is all metal. a common failure i understand?