Styling KC3 Project Silver

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Styling KC3 Project Silver

Hiya guys! Thanks! The arm rest is a nice touch and on a small test drive just gives you that extra bit of luxury when cruising, Although looking at the doors again, I think the next step will be to black out the surround silver metal trim of the doors so then they should look like this.


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Hi there,
Have you changed your 5th gear..?
which parts did you use..?

Yes my fifth gear.. If only I could find it.. :( I purchased this gear two years ago and was waiting to have it fitted by my nephew mechanic, but somehow it seems to be misplaced. My nephew moved premises and the gear was or is lost in the move. I hope it turns up one day but at the moment is lost.
Do you remember further details about the gear? Was is it from a diesel..?
Those highway high revs are starting to hit my acoustic nerves.(maybe i am getting older)
Hi Kiry.

Just read all 68 pages again :)

I am going to make a windstop in the same style as yours.

I can see you have used a rubberized sealant - but is that enough? I was thinking the wind preassure would blow the glass out? It looks like the glass is in the middle of the roll bars?

How thick is the glass? 8mm?

The last month i have done this to the B:

- Removed petrol smell (jubilee clip)
- Changed gear knob (Momo)
- Mounted roll bars (
- Ordered new gas struts for the hood and trunk.

To do list:
- Glass windstop.
- Gas struts.

Best regards


Hiya all,

Been a while since my last post , but finally got my rear glass windstop made.
Here's some pictures of the fitting.

Its a tempered/toughened glass and has the same colored tint as the rest of the car.

Its sealed in with a rubberized sealant and looks very OMP.. :D
Hi Kiry.

Just read all 68 pages again :)

I am going to make a windstop in the same style as yours.

I can see you have used a rubberized sealant - but is that enough? I was thinking the wind preassure would blow the glass out? It looks like the glass is in the middle of the roll bars?

How thick is the glass? 8mm?

The last month i have done this to the B:

- Removed petrol smell (jubilee clip)
- Changed gear knob (Momo)
- Mounted roll bars (
- Ordered new gas struts for the hood and trunk.

To do list:
- Glass windstop.
- Gas struts.

Best regards


Hiya Frank,

The windstop works fine with no blow out issues, The rubber sealant used is the type they use to seal windscreens in so should not have any problems, of course I haven't had the B up to speeds of any excess. :D

Although on testing my prototype with wood and tape there was no real pressure on the stop and it held in place.

May I ask! have you the speaker box too? My glass sits on top of the box and so seals the back out. on my test tryouts with just the stop between the bars, wind will push down and chill your arm. and also try to get max height as you can. I still get a little breeze blowing over but definitely a vast improvement than without.
Hope this helps, (y)
OK! After a long hibernation the B is up and running again :D
Here's some pics of her along with engine bay with its new battery and connections. I,m hoping I will make some time to fit my new intake and get her on the RR for testing. Its been such a long time but now are the best months for driving roof down in Cyprus, the weather has cooled of slightly and in the evening its perfect. :D

Thinking of fitting a power/battery isolator switch too, should keep the battery from draining.


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Hiya, Thought id give the B a Xmas upgrade present and been toying with fitting my new intake , Dave (Mr Fixit) made for me.
Have a few issues but nearly there.

I have had to modify the position of the idle control valve and made to new connections to extend its position elsewhere.
I will mount it beside the air filter where you see the new hoses.
I haven't started the vehicle as I need a small plug for the vacuum/breather system on the new intake which will arrive after xmas now but will let you guys know once its up and running again.



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I have managed to get the B back together and running with the new intake.

There were a few issues like having to

1. Modify the position of the idle control valve.

2. Change the hoses that connect the new intake with the old.

3. Make a new bracket to hold at the rear.

4. Change injector seals and vacuum seal.

5. One new water hose.

6. Make a new bend coupling for the vacuum pipe.

Other than that everything seems fine although I will need to get the B on a Rolling Road to tune it and see what if any gains have been made.


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Hiya all, Wishing you all well and your B's a healthy Happy new year. After another long hibernation my project continues and work has re commenced on the modified cylinder head. David Young (Mr FIXIT) has done wonderful work and the new head is nearly finished. Here are a few pics of our progress. I has been ported very slightly, polished and mated with the new intake so should flow better than before. I have purchased new camshafts from the 2.0 ltr alfa which fit in and offer a higher lift and duration but may even choose to go a little wilder after my flow bench tests.


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