Technical Ignition Key won't turn

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Technical Ignition Key won't turn


Mar 16, 2020
NSW South Coast
Scudo 2008 has ignition lock that the keys will not turn.
The steering lock is engaged .
Any ideas on how to remove the ignition lock with or without the steering lock so I can replace the barrel which is obviously damaged.
Don't want to damage the housing if possible
Are you sure the barrel is faulty.
I usually cut a new blade before replacing the barrel.
We can read the worn key and/or cut the key to code, eliminating any wear in the blade.
This works more times than not.

Put up a good picture of your key. I'll take a butchers if you like.
Barrel was definitely cactus.
I sprayed plenty of WD , to no avail.
Eventually gave up on it .Both keys were tried and neither would turn the barrel.

Drilled out the barrel , made a dummy lock to be able to disengage steering lock and "hot wired" the ignition.
Now I have a "START" button and an electrical on switch.The immobilizer still works so the key needs to be in the ignition position to start.
It will do me for a while
Barrel was definitely cactus.
I sprayed plenty of WD , to no avail.
Eventually gave up on it .Both keys were tried and neither would turn the barrel.

Drilled out the barrel , made a dummy lock to be able to disengage steering lock and "hot wired" the ignition.
Now I have a "START" button and an electrical on switch.The immobilizer still works so the key needs to be in the ignition position to start.
It will do me for a while
Be careful,you may not be covered by your insurance.
Follow up on this matter. I ended up buying a replacement lock and key from wreckers in Lithuania for about $60.00 as all local wreckers had prices over $150.00 All I needed to do was replace the new blade into the key fob with the immobilizer chip, keep the old blade and fix it to another obsolete base to use for the fuel cap and the door locks and all is well.


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