The classic car workshop where I work has Harry as a customer, and when he was in last time (about 2 weeks ago) I had a chat with him regarding the conversion done on his engine. His crankcase is a 500 variant (110 engine), not the 126 variant which is a stronger crank-case and better for the 695 (and bigger!) conversion. Abarth realised the limitations of the '110' crank-case so for his '695' variants he only went to a 76mm bore, but used a 76mm stroke crank (the standard crank has a 70mm throw) to bring the capacity up to 695cc (or, 689.54cc to be exact---but '695' rolls off the tongue better!) I was surprised (and told Harry so) that Proietti didn't use one of the proprietry kits to carry out the conversion. With the 'kit' that I bought, the only machining required (carried out by my local engineer) was to the crank-case---to open up the barrel apertures and to "flat-face" the top of the crank-case to enable the spacer-plate to sit correctly. By using a proper 'kit', the only reason that I had to play 'silly buggers' with the fan shrouding (and it was a LOT of buggering about!) was because I decided to fit a Panda30 4-port cylinder-head---if I had fitted a 'normal' cylinder-head. the shrouding would, with just a bit of fettling on the securing-bolt holes, have been a very simple 'bolt-on' job, as per normal. I also pointed out that having a (plastic!) fuel filter just above the alternator was NOT a good idea---he will be taking it off. Next time Harry is at the workshop, we have agreed that we will organise for my car to be at work so that he can have a drive of my car---his opinion will be interesting (to put it mildly!)