Have you tried getting a decent credit card as you get some protection, mine is 6.9% and I can spend up to £11000 on purchases. I'm using it for my extension currently as I can pay it back quicker. Otherwise buy a new car, rates are better
Have you tried getting a decent credit card as you get some protection, mine is 6.9% and I can spend up to £11000 on purchases. I'm using it for my extension currently as I can pay it back quicker. Otherwise buy a new car, rates are better
I'd take the red one in Thirsk tomorrow if I could.
Stop buying red Fiats.
Again, I apologise in advance for ruining this thread with my nonsense.
The black is my least favourite 100 colour.
Then red (It only works with a Skydome)
The blue sometimes looks amazing, sometimes it looks generic.
The grey is what makes a HP a HP.
Number one is white, but again only if it has the Skydome.
Anyway, i've sent an email about this one.
Come back soon to see if the pipedream bursts or not.
To keep the mods at bay, heres a pic found on Flickr.
You dirty rotten son of a ........ Will you stop showing me pics of half decent looking ugly square boxes in idealic scenery to weaken me you devil from satans loins
You are infected, you don't know yet but as someone that has been through it I can see the signs. I warned you, but would you listen? Not a hope, you knew best........ Its now only a matter of time.
But it's so shiny and clean, I need to touch, I won't harm it, plllllleeeeease let me just look at it a while longer........noooooooo don't take me away, let me just sit near it.......no, no leave me alone I didn't do anything wrong I just sort of liked a Panda it doesn't mean I'm mad, it doesn't, see all the other people here like them, can I play with them, please let me play with the Panda people, they are not bad people, please let me stttttttttaaaaaaayyyyyyyy
Stop buying red Fiats.
but it's my hobby
Again, I apologise in advance for ruining this thread with my nonsense.
The black is my least favourite 100 colour.
Then red (It only works with a Skydome)
The blue sometimes looks amazing, sometimes it looks generic.
The grey is what makes a HP a HP.
Number one is white, but again only if it has the Skydome.
Anyway, i've sent an email about this one.
Come back soon to see if the pipedream bursts or not.
To keep the mods at bay, heres a pic found on Flickr.
Personally I wouldn't worry about the sky dome too much, my Bravo has one and its already none functioning, and the cars only 5 years old![]()
All together now... ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US! :devil:
The Panda with square wheels is coming for you my son, best just get onboard, you are powerless to resist![]()
But it's so shiny and clean, I need to touch, I won't harm it, plllllleeeeease let me just look at it a while longer........noooooooo don't take me away, let me just sit near it.......no, no leave me alone I didn't do anything wrong I just sort of liked a Panda it doesn't mean I'm mad, it doesn't, see all the other people here like them, can I play with them, please let me play with the Panda people, they are not bad people, please let me stttttttttaaaaaaayyyyyyyy
Square wheels? Is this where the 4x4 grip comes from?
Square wheels? Is this where the 4x4 grip comes from?
Square wheels were an Austin Rover invention though they called it Quartic I believe. They could have called it Marilyn Monroe & it still wouldn't have sold though!![]()
My SkyDome on my GP was 7 years old when I sold it and worked fine, was the only reason I bought the car and I wouldn't buy another GP unless it had one.