General General Panda thoughts

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General General Panda thoughts

If you do buy it don't give up the parade! I don't want to be the only parade owner on here!

Obviously you have to do what's right for you bud, just make sure you stay on this part of the forum!

If you can store the panda great...... I would bet at least 75% of us oldies on here would kill to have there first ever car with us today. I sold my mk1 Toyota celica for nothing in the 70' worth £7000 but most of all a beautiful rare fully sorted car. I will post a now does not exist..:(
My first car...I.e keep the panda.
ImageUploadedByFIAT Forum1398088840.358594.jpg
Damn that's smart looking! What colour is it? And is that a vinyl roof? :)

As a side thought on my train of thought here I hope you are not dissapointed in PTP at panda camp (presuming you can come) I'm sure a lot of things will be different with it!

It was years old when I got it and it was rotten!...all rust. Fitted inner/outer wings, front valence and sills. Rubbed down to bare metal and resprayed black with wolf race polished mag wheels. Yep black vinyl roof. Pillarless doors were my favourite part.
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It was years old when I got it and it was rotten!...all rust. Fitted inner/outer wings, front valence and sills. Rubbed down to bare metal and resprayed black with wolf race polished mag wheels. Yep black vinyl roof. Pillarless doors were my favourite part.

How many left in this country do you reckon? Not sure how to filter the howmanyleft website for it
If you do buy it don't give up the parade! I don't want to be the only parade owner on here!

I don't have to sell it. However finding storage is another issue.

If you can store the panda great......

See above.

Thanks to you I spent most of last night looking for a skydome 100hp (found on in Bristol but 70k on the clock), a lovely red non-skydomed one 25 miles away from me though :rolleyes:

Must not test drive, must not test drive, etc:(

You already own 143 cars. :p
I got bored and applied for finance at Carloan4U, my voicemail stated that Barclays and Santander are fighting over me.

Their site goes from 6% APR to 34%. :eek:

Again, it's all just nonsense for now. I do NOT need a Panda 100HP in Electroclash Grey.
So she called me back, she likes to up-sell warranties. (Can't blame her, we are forced to sell crap too.)
Free HPI check on any car and a dealer check, even if I don't take the finance out.

Still no APR rates mentioned as it's still in the process. :rolleyes:

If the APR comes back at an acceptable rate then maybe i'm on-board. However if it's a Wonga rate. (Which it shouldn't be as I have great credit...) Then Herbie Rides Again.

p.s. We bought the proper Panda up, she said it'll be a classic soon. (y)
I wouldn't hold your breath about getting a sensible rate if you are using a loan broker, surely better to go direct to the bank themselves?
Also a broker will be getting a fee/percentage which you will pay for directly or indirectly.

BTW I've found the same car but with a skydome....:p
I wouldn't hold your breath about getting a sensible rate if you are using a loan broker, surely better to go direct to the bank themselves?
Also a broker will be getting a fee/percentage which you will pay for directly or indirectly.

This way it counts as one credit check, shopping around all the banks is more checks which somehow drops your rating. :confused:

BTW I've found the same car but with a skydome....:p

Link? and a reasonable price?
This way it counts as one credit check, shopping around all the banks is more checks which somehow drops your rating. :confused:

Link? and a reasonable price?

Ah that makes sense - still would go direct though once you've got an offer in principal though - I loathe paying brokers/agents etc.

Not cheap but 60plate low miles etc etc

Shame it's on a mickey mouse website and probably is a scam as who can tell it has a skydome with those photies?

Vivastreet east midlands
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