Technical Error code P0236 & 0238

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Technical Error code P0236 & 0238

@CheeseMonster Thank you, good idea. But this hole harness is so tight wrapped and difficult or impossible to trace leads. Would be much more convenient to identify those wires and check for continuity/shortage at the ecu’s connector. Is there any wiring diagram available to be able to identify pins connecting ecu to MAP? But, later on, I have checked out my tailpipe according to Fredastaire’s recommendation and amount of soot I found there may be pointing to some more serious problems, like LP-Egr cooler and dpf defect, quite likely, but both problems not excluded…
@jansla it would be better if you continued this discussion on the ongoing main post P0401....what do I check next.
I will reply here though for now.
I trust that @theoneandonly will also pick up and read.
next step I would ask that you set up a new template to measure the LP EGR actual and desired openings plus the LP EGR temperature and go for a run on a main road at say 60 mph and do a 10 - 15 minutes recording as a csv file (ready for a graph). between @theoneandonly and myself @Fredastaire we will readily see if the LP EGR cooler is blocked or nearly blocked.
Then we can give suggestions as to what is needed next.
@Fredastaire thank you, I have already posted my story at your thread as well, so easiest will be to continue there, of course. I'll do recordings of LP EGR according to your advice and then report to you (y) at ...."P0401....what do I check next"
@Fredastaire thank you, I have already posted my story at your thread as well, so easiest will be to continue there, of course. I'll do recordings of LP EGR according to your advice and then report to you (y) at ...."P0401....what do I check next"
Please can you pm me with your email address and I will send you some notes that may help you

Sorry you are still having problems.

Unfortunately you haven't provided details of the code that caused the mil light and limp mode or details of what your fiat garage did to "fix" the fault before handing the vehicle back to you. So we are in the dark.

Best wishes

Sorry for late reply, I was on holiday and didn't have laptop with me, the initial codes were 0236 & 0238. The Fiat professional garage replaced the MAP sensor and said it was all good. But after 300 miles I got the error 0238 again and limp mode again. I've had to reset the code numerous times now so we could get home to Scotland from France. The van goes in to limp mode when I'm on 6th gear and trying to accelerate or maintain speed on any kind of incline. this is a freeze frame from the OBDII scanner I bought.


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You may find benefit in joining us on the main P0401....thread and reading through then buying multiecuscan, (MES).
@theoneandonly can guide you through making templates of certain components results then doing a road run to record data.
You will read that I've been through the whole saga. I consider there may be benefit in changing the turbo solenoid however if your van is our twin EGR model then you may be the next victim of the blocked cooler syndrome.....
Thanks @Fredastaire , just reading through the 0401 thread. Has you motorhome been fixed now? I have my motorhome booked in to MOTUS the only Fiat Professional in my area. My engine, turbo and injectors were only replaced 10k miles ago.
Hi @theGman , no my campervan is not fixed. My Motus dealer just updated the software (and charged me for doing so). I've changed the MAP and Turbo Solenoid and had my local garage change the LP EGR cooler. By doing the kitchen towel clean of the exhaust tailpipe I'm well aware that my DPF is cracked. Whilst it's clearly a Fiat problem and they havnt done a recall I'm not in a position to pay £7-10 K for the repair.
Hi @theGman , no my campervan is not fixed. My Motus dealer just updated the software (and charged me for doing so). I've changed the MAP and Turbo Solenoid and had my local garage change the LP EGR cooler. By doing the kitchen towel clean of the exhaust tailpipe I'm well aware that my DPF is cracked. Whilst it's clearly a Fiat problem and they havnt done a recall I'm not in a position to pay £7-10 K for the repair.
So, what are you doing about it? Running your motorhome as normal? My motorhome went back into limp mode in France. Could have been a very expensive recovery but all I done was repeatedly clear the P0238 error and drive home at 50mph and keeping revs below 2000. Not ideal but best option at the time.
For me several big points.
I only us premium 'ultra' diesel, plus I dose with Millers ecomax, (might have misspelled). Wherever possible keep the revs circa 2000. I've the comfortmatic and except for big roads I use the 'hills' button operated. Then I regular use MES so I know how my engine is behaving in particular to watch the LP EGR operation. I suspect in time that the cooler will soot up again. In stock I have a brand new Fiat cooler plus my removed one which I cleared out with caustic (very quick and easy). MES gives a clear view of how everything is operating, I cannot recommend it enough to you).
Coming in very late to this thread, but on a 1.6 Multijet 2010 Doblo I had some of your error codes along with a fair bit of black smoke, it would then go into limp mode with no smoke and no power.
Eventually traced to a poor seal on a EGR pipe to the inlet manifold so losing boost pressure. A small gasket and three bolts sorted it.
I had tried pressure testing the intercooler and pipes using blanks and air pressure amongst other things before finally taking it to a very experienced diagnostic company.
In hindsight if I had borrowed my garage friends "smoke leak tester" I could have found it, but working on my own it was not easy to diagnose.
Thanks for the info @Fredastaire , just ordered the MES package now. I have a manual gearbox, I've noticed from posts that a lot of people have the comformatic box. What year is your motorhome, engine etc? Mine is 2018, 2.3 multijet 130. Did you get the MES with the cables or the bluetooth version?
Hi @theGman mine is ex factory march 2017 special order by me with lots of extras- it's why I cannot just get rid as I cannot replicate it. I just need to get on with surviving; if I have to pay for a cooler change ever few years then I have to accept it. With mine being Comfortmatic the dealer also upgraded that software as well.
I use the MES inc cables, others use an installed Bluetooth, I'm just scared of it flattening the van battery.
@bugsymike thanks for your comments. Do you own a twin EGR Ducato? If yes then you need to read the main P0401 post which is now on 28 pages!!!!!
@theGman @Fredastaire has not changed the DPF but in mitigation is monitoring closely the LPegr activity inc cooler temperature and regen activity. With a clean lpegr cooler the engine is running fine, but, with generated soot ending up in the cooler not all in the DPF. He has the best injector variations i have seen. The latest mes template ive given him should help in monitoring blockage rate thus giving him the opurtunity to decide if a routine lpegr cooler change/clean is required every xxxx miles or £ xxxx for a new DPF.
Thanks for the info @Fredastaire , just ordered the MES package now. I have a manual gearbox, I've noticed from posts that a lot of people have the comformatic box. What year is your motorhome, engine etc? Mine is 2018, 2.3 multijet 130. Did you get the MES with the cables or the bluetooth version?
The version i reccomend is the usb obdlink sx as it will work out of the has the speed required for all tests and the security required for proxi alignment. However i have a vgate icar bluetooth permamently attached for ease of use and generall monitoring. I have a manual 2017 (out of factory nov 2016) motorhome reg 2018 with version 28 (2019 @ 2300 miles).my milage is redicolously low so as yet don t expect any issues.
As to battery draining with bt ive had no problem with my airbag ecu , still have orig SB. The SB is charged from solar.
@theGman @Fredastaire has not changed the DPF but in mitigation is monitoring closely the LPegr activity inc cooler temperature and regen activity. With a clean lpegr cooler the engine is running fine, but, with generated soot ending up in the cooler not all in the DPF. He has the best injector variations i have seen. The latest mes template ive given him should help in monitoring blockage rate thus giving him the opurtunity to decide if a routine lpegr cooler change/clean is required every xxxx miles or £ xxxx for a new DPF.
@theoneandonly I’ve just ordered the MES package, should arrive tomorrow. Out buying a Windows laptop, all my stuff is Apple. I’ll have a read about MES and how to use it then take van for a good drive tomorrow and post my results. Thanks.
Just a thought regards DPF blockage. I was watching a YouTube video regarding Land Rover V6 engines and the recommended oils. Our Ducato handbook lists 2 grades of oil, SAE 0W-30 and SAE 5W-40.

Would the 5W-40 help reduce DPF blocking?

What grade oil is being used in engines that fail prematurely?
Just a thought regards DPF blockage. I was watching a YouTube video regarding Land Rover V6 engines and the recommended oils. Our Ducato handbook lists 2 grades of oil, SAE 0W-30 and SAE 5W-40.

Would the 5W-40 help reduce DPF blocking?

What grade oil is being used in engines that fail prematurely?
I think the best bet is a low ash oil, changed fairly frequently safest option.

"A3/B3 is a high SAPS, sulfated ash, phosphorous and sulfur, oil. High SAPS oil will plug DPF or GPF, so you do not want to use these oils in vehicles with DPF or GPF. C3 is a mid SAPS oil. It is designed for DPF or GPF."