
Grande Punto DlightSwitch's Blue T-Jet.


Hi all,

After reading these forums for a while and posting the odd silly question here and there, I'm proud to say I finally own a T-Jet :D:D

Standard for now but I do have plans for it:


  • Tinted tail lights
  • Tinted/Abarth headlights
  • Black Mirrors
  • Black Alloys

  • Coilovers (Either JOM or FK AK)


  • Forge Induction
  • Forge Intercooler
  • Abarth Turbo
  • Some sort of custom exhaust

I'm open to suggestions though, if any of you have any ideas on what else/different to do to my car then feel free to let me know :)

Thanks for looking!
Re: DlightSwitch's Blue T-Jet

jesus a pot hole did that? are you sure you didnt drive over a wel at 100mph lol

Yeah, it was at 60 though because I was coming off the dual carriageway and onto the slip road which was where pothole was.

Been having fun touching up your NOB today eh ;) :p

Uncalled for :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

Re: DlightSwitch's Blue T-Jet

Random question - have you ever used revolution in Gateshead and pdtuning in Sunderland? I'm getting a intercooler ad remap soon just need to know if these places are any good.
Re: DlightSwitch's Blue T-Jet

Random question - have you ever used revolution in Gateshead and pdtuning in Sunderland? I'm getting a intercooler ad remap soon just need to know if these places are any good.

He got his remap done at pdtuning if you had went back a few pages you would have read this :p

Revolution are a good car alloy/performance parts retailer.
Re: DlightSwitch's Blue T-Jet

Random question - have you ever used revolution in Gateshead and pdtuning in Sunderland? I'm getting a intercooler ad remap soon just need to know if these places are any good.

Never bought anything from revolution but I've been in when i was looking for alloys, they seem quite helpful and some of their prices are quite good as well, especially if you want finance on something.

PDTuning are good as well, they did my remap and I've had about 4-5k miles now trouble free, they have a lot of bad reviews but I didn't have a problem with them.
Thought I'd update with stuff that's been going on recently!

I decided to upgrade my brakes. EBC Turbo Groove discs on the front, Brembo OEM discs on the rear. Greenstuff pads all round.



Decided to paint my calipers blue as well while I was at it, was hoping to get a better colour match to the car, but I think it looks pretty good actually.
Don't need to say which is before and after..


Fronts were very squeaky at first, despite the pads coming with shims on. But now with a bit of copper slip around the edges, they're nice and quiet under braking. They've bedded in now and I'm really impressed with the stopping power!

I went to a cruise one Saturday which turned out to be really good!

The car got a bit of attention to once it had the bonnet up :p

Also met 2 very friendly FF members who I had a lovely chat with, all in all a good night :)

Then the car went into Fiat for a bonnet replacement under warranty. This was because of a little bit of corrosion under the bonnet, on the lip. Pic isn't very good because it was hard to capture, but the white bit is where the paint has flaked off, and the rest are all just bubbles of corrosion.

I was happy with the service, dropped the car off on Monday morning, they fitted a new bonnet, sprayed it, sprayed the wings and it was ready to pick up on Thursday :D I'm happy because not only do I have stone-chip free wings and bonnet (for now!) but the paint job is excellent, better than it came from the factory, the reflection is really even and smooth. (No orange peel ;))

They also gave me this BEAST as a courtesy car!

Going from 173bhp to 61bhp wasn't fun... and it didn't make things any better that it had the worst clutch I've ever laid my foot upon, and the gearbox also felt like it was made of cheese. It got me about for the week though, so no complaints there.

After getting the car back I started on the rear brakes, which proved to be harder than I thought! Had never come across wind in pistons before, so after a lot of messing about and ending up with the piston even further out, I gave in and bought a piston rewind tool set. Unfortunately I couldn't use it properly on this caliper as the piston was REALLY far out as you can see, but in the end, after a lot of swearing and sore arms, it went in :)

That's about it for now.. Got a few other little projects underway, and I'll update the thread when they're done, keep your eyes peeled. ;)
i wounder why fiat wouldnt give you a fiat to drive while your cars getting fixed by them, surly they would give you somthing that would make you want to buy it?

i guess they gave you somthing **** to make you love your fiat even more lol
i wounder why fiat wouldnt give you a fiat to drive while your cars getting fixed by them, surly they would give you somthing that would make you want to buy it?

i guess they gave you somthing **** to make you love your fiat even more lol

I was actually meant to get a 500, but it somehow got double booked, they agreed to lend it out to someone as well as me at the same time :rolleyes:
So I just had to take whatever was at the same dealership. Oh but trust me it made me love and miss my Punto very dearly :eek:
Haha You know the kia had more power than your punto ;) lol I didn't realise the back calipers were like that what I paint a the arse. I like the photos of your car :) very sexy but only if it had you in them it would make them so much better ;)

Must have weighed 9 ton then because it only felt like 61bhp ;)

I didnt realise about the back calipers either, none of my other cars were like that :/

And those photos do exist but you've gotta find them :p

The car is looking very good now! I thought about getting them wheels of my Dom, but the mrs would have killed me seen as i had only just got my new ones lol!

You should really get the abarth lights, i no they are alot of money but they are really worth it imo!

I no u have seen it before but look on the 2nd page of this thread and that will give you a good idea!

Its a shame your so far away, otherwise it would have been a good lil photoshoot with both our cars!

Luke :)

The car is looking very good now! I thought about getting them wheels of my Dom, but the mrs would have killed me seen as i had only just got my new ones lol!

You should really get the abarth lights, i no they are alot of money but they are really worth it imo!

I no u have seen it before but look on the 2nd page of this thread and that will give you a good idea!

Its a shame your so far away, otherwise it would have been a good lil photoshoot with both our cars!

Luke :)

Yeah the rotas really suit blue! I'm quite attached to them now!

I'm still undecided on the abarth headlights, they definitely look great on yours, I wasn't sure about them on blue but the idea is growing on me. I've got time to decide anyway since I need to use the little money I have at the minute to finish off a few other things on the car.

It would be great to get pics of the two cars together! You don't see many modified new orleans blue puntos! Every blue one is a bloody 1.4 active!
It would be great to get pics of the two cars together! You don't see many modified new orleans blue puntos! Every blue one is a bloody 1.4 active!

Mine's a 1.2 active :p Getting modified slowly though, i want a front badge similar to the t-jet red one, but says 'no-jet'. (y) Very nice car by the way, nice original choice of wheels, sort of subaru-ness going on. Best colour for GP's definately.
Mine's a 1.2 active :p Getting modified slowly though, i want a front badge similar to the t-jet red one, but says 'no-jet'. (y) Very nice car by the way, nice original choice of wheels, sort of subaru-ness going on. Best colour for GP's definately.

Good on you for standing out of the crowd with a 1.2! Lol that badge would be cool but probably impossible to find.

I did actually get told by a mate 'nah gold wheels are for scoobys only' but thankfully I didn't listen to him :p