General Comfortmatic Gearbox/ Clutch reprogramming West Yorkshire?

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General Comfortmatic Gearbox/ Clutch reprogramming West Yorkshire?


New member
Aug 6, 2024
Hi. I've just had a full clutch kit inc DMF fitted but the garage can't do the gearbox reset and clutch bleed as they don't have the correct program on their OBD reader device. Does anyone know anyone in West Yorkshire who could do this rather than a Fiat Professional main dealer. Many thanks in advance.
Welcome to the forum.
In your situation, it may be worth considering making it a DIY task, using MES (Multiecuscan), which runs on a Windows computer, and is suitable for use on Fiat vehicles. Forum member @theoneandonly may be able to advise.
Hi. I've just had a full clutch kit inc DMF fitted but the garage can't do the gearbox reset and clutch bleed as they don't have the correct program on their OBD reader device. Does anyone know anyone in West Yorkshire who could do this rather than a Fiat Professional main dealer. Many thanks in advance.
Clutch bleed does not require an OBD device.
Confortmatic as in thread title.
so i'm expected to actualy read things properly,;)

So being a comfortmatic there are a number of this that can/ need to be done with multiecuscan
Clutch calibration
This procedure is used for the fine calibration of the clutch. It must be performed if the actuation unit and/or clutch assembly is replaced, if the clutch engages and disengages in an uneven way and if the gearbox control unit is replaced.
The following is necessary for proper execution of this procedure:
- engine temperature > 80°C
- clutch temperature between 20°C and 150°C
- no errors
NOTE: The procedure must be performed in the following sequence:
1. Press the Execute button (engine must be OFF - Stop&Start function not active, gear in Neutral)
2. Start the engine
3. Wait! The control unit will perform 5 clutch activation cycles! It should finish in ~1 minute.
4. Turn the key OFF, then wait at least 15 seconds and turn the key to MAR.
this example is for 2.3 x290 others may be different
what model have you got

Extracted from something I downloaded thinking it may be useful, not my original work.
Working on the Comfortmatic gear change system
If you have a catastrophic component failure and mechanical works need to be undertaken then it is necessary to perform some routines to safely undertake the works and then setup the system once reassembled.
Multiecuscan (MES) has all the necessary routines.
You need to run the 'accumulator depressurization' routine in MES to safely reduce the hydraulic oil pressure in the Comfortmatic module before any works are undertaken.
Undertake the mechanical works in the same way as the manual gearchange. Gearbox out, change CSC, clutch and DMF (if necessary).Reassemble everything including adding hydraulic oil and gravity bleeding the clutch.
1. Run the 'clutch and electropump replacement' routines in MES to reset the Transmission Control Unit (TCU) electronics.
2 Run 'actuator base adjustment' in MES to setup the hydraulic and clutch units.
3. Run the 'clutch drain' routine in MES to ensure there is no air in the clutch system.
4 Run 'clutch self-calibration enable' in MES to fine tune the clutch actuation to engine specific behaviour.
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Thanks for all that. So basically I need to find a garage with multiecuscan or purchase it myself with a relevant OBD reader and enter a steep learning curve... Many thanks
You can check on our register for anyone nearby with a copy.

Actually one of our staff @Eklipze3k does - he might be able to help!

Thanks for all that. So basically I need to find a garage with multiecuscan or purchase it myself with a relevant OBD reader and enter a steep learning curve... Many thanks
That has been done before. I directed a lady from another forum to an appropriate thread on here. She is now an MES owner/user. and forum member.
Extracted from something I downloaded thinking it may be useful, not my original work.
Working on the Comfortmatic gear change system
If you have a catastrophic component failure and mechanical works need to be undertaken then it is necessary to perform some routines to safely undertake the works and then setup the system once reassembled.
Multiecuscan (MES) has all the necessary routines.
You need to run the 'accumulator depressurization' routine in MES to safely reduce the hydraulic oil pressure in the Comfortmatic module before any works are undertaken.
Undertake the mechanical works in the same way as the manual gearchange. Gearbox out, change CSC, clutch and DMF (if necessary).Reassemble everything including adding hydraulic oil and gravity bleeding the clutch.
1. Run the 'clutch and electropump replacement' routines in MES to reset the Transmission Control Unit (TCU) electronics.
2 Run 'actuator base adjustment' in MES to setup the hydraulic and clutch units.
3. Run the 'clutch drain' routine in MES to ensure there is no air in the clutch system.
4 Run 'clutch self-calibration enable' in MES to fine tune the clutch actuation to engine specific behaviour.

Some additional comments:

An alternative to run the 'accumulator depressurization routine' in MES is to disconnect the battery (or remove the fuse to the pump) well in advance before starting the work. Over time, the system depressurizes itself due to internal leakage. How long time one needs to wait varies. For my car, a couple of hours is enough but I have seen reports in other forums that there may be remaining pressure even a day after disconnecting. If one uses the routine in MES, the key MUST NOT be rotated to MAR position afterwards! The system will then pressurize again, if power is available.

An alternative to gravity bleeding the clutch is to use a suction device connected to the bleeding outlet, or to apply a small air pressure to the clutch fluid reservoir. I know some argue that gravity bleeding is the only right way to go, but in eLearn Fiat actually prescribes use of the pressurization method, see picture below.

And of course, do not pour anyhing else than (fresh) DOT4 brake fluid into the cluch system! And the appropriate hydraulic oil in the pump and actuator system.
