Technical Changing DRL's...

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Technical Changing DRL's...

I suspect if I pressed a bit harder they would have clicked into place - I was trying too hard not to break them. That said I need to exchange them for the dual filament ones anyway! Going to fit the Osram Nightbreaker Plus headlight bulbs tomorrow, that should be a laugh :)
Are the Osrams dip or main bulbs (or are you changing both)? I'll be interested in your impression of them. I got my car in March so haven't done my normal commute in proper darkness yet. I drive down country lanes, so a good main beam is important, and I haven't really discovered how good the 500's is. I fitted driving lamps to my Mini (how original!) but they really helped. Trouble is, there isn't the vast range of after-market stuff for the 500 that there was for the Mini - let's hope the factory fits are up to it.
On a more serious note, I don't think i'm going to bother fitting them again, as they didn't seem a great fit (and this was proven when it popped out the holder inside the lamp!)

Turtle (love the name) I am not convinced changing the DRL lights to a whiter light is any good, the stock ones are yellowish in colour and get noticed and go dim when headlights are on, whiter ones (prob from a blue bulb) seem to be lost in daylight, i have seen that on couple of cars.

but then again if you are doing it for another reason then go for it...
Turtle (love the name) I am not convinced changing the DRL lights to a whiter light is any good, the stock ones are yellowish in colour and get noticed and go dim when headlights are on, whiter ones (prob from a blue bulb) seem to be lost in daylight, i have seen that on couple of cars.

but then again if you are doing it for another reason then go for it...

Changing the DRL bulbs is purely cosmetic. As said, i'm fitting the Osram Night Breaker Plus H7's and although I think the DRL's look fine just now, with bright white headlights they wont look as good.
You guys do know those PIAA bulbs aren't road legal. i was going to get some then saw they weren't road legal so didnt bother

Not "road legal" meaning they aren't E-marked? They will pass an MOT inspection, so unless a keen traffic poloceman wants to go to the bother of removing the bulbs (skinning his knuckles in the process, unless he has small hands) to see if they are E-marked or not, I should be OK. :)
Not "road legal" meaning they aren't E-marked? They will pass an MOT inspection, so unless a keen traffic poloceman wants to go to the bother of removing the bulbs (skinning his knuckles in the process, unless he has small hands) to see if they are E-marked or not, I should be OK. :)

But is a very effective get out clause in an insurance claim ;)
How do you actually know that they're not standard?

That's a good point.
But I was referring to the number of cars with additional lights that are either stuck on or screwed on. You know the type of chavmobile I'm referring to?

If the police don't do anything about these cars, then there's little chance of them doing anything about cars with non-standard bulbs that can only be detected by removal and checking of the bulb.
That's a good point.
But I was referring to the number of cars with additional lights that are either stuck on or screwed on. You know the type of chavmobile I'm referring to?

If the police don't do anything about these cars, then there's little chance of them doing anything about cars with non-standard bulbs that can only be detected by removal and checking of the bulb.

Yeah but like someone else pointed out insurance companies will do anything to get out of paying out and if you total your car and the insurance guy comes out he could be an arse and pull you up about it and i wouldn't put it past them.
Has anyone posting about insurance companies not paying out due to having non E-marked bulbs actually have first hand experience of this i.e. not just read it on an Internet forum? It sounds utterly ridiculous. Granted insurance companies have "Claims Technicians" that do look for reasons not to pay out, but common sense would tell you that if you "total" your car there's not going to be much left of a wee DRL bulb.

If you're genuinely worried about it you shouldn't fit them, simple. If like me you like to walk on the wild side, you won't be dissapointed :slayer: