Bought my 1st car and I think I've been ripped off. Can anyone tell me what this wierd noise is. | FIAT Grande Punto | The FIAT Forum

Technical Bought my 1st car and I think I've been ripped off. Can anyone tell me what this wierd noise is.

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Technical Bought my 1st car and I think I've been ripped off. Can anyone tell me what this wierd noise is.


New member
Nov 11, 2022
I can't really afford a mechanic and don't know anything about prices, can anybody suggest what is causing this noise? Car still drives but sometimes it jumps out of 3rd gear and grinds. It had started making a loud squeeling noise in 1st and 2nd gear but now it just seems to sound like a bag of spanners.


  • VID_20221111_130808.mp4
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Hi :)

Being 'your 1st'
I will ask some BASIC things :cool:

Ok noisy in 1st and 2nd..

What about starting in neutral..and idling in neutral..?

Get to a 20 mph on a quiet road.. or a gentle down hill

Dip the clutch.. let engine drop to idle.. any quieter.. ?

Put into 3/4 gear..bring up clutch..silent.. or just quieter...???

Ok.. now dip the cluch and GENTLY apply the brakes.. any change in sound..??

Thats a good start.. let us know more

What about starting in neutral..and idling in neutral..?
It is idling in neutral in the video I posted, sound horrendous.

Dip the clutch.. let engine drop to idle.. any quieter.. ?
Yes it was quieter

Put into 3/4 gear..bring up clutch..silent.. or just quieter...???
The noise seems to go away

Ok.. now dip the cluch and GENTLY apply the brakes.. any change in sound..??
The noise is gone.
The noise sound like bearing with a collapsed cage

Seeing it’s on the gearbox side it will either be the release bearing or input shaft. Seeing it’s worse 1st and 2nd and jumping out of 3rd I suspect the gearbox

Both require the gearbox to be dropped. So not cheap if via a garage. But not too bad if done at home.

If you carry on driving the car a ball bearing will eventually fall out and possibly cause more damage and a replacement gearbox

On slightly worrying thing is it sounds very dry. Not a problem if a release bearing. But if the gearbox has run dry there may be other damage.
The GM gearbox in the Grande isnt the toughest

One of its regular failureitems can be done in a couple of hours with in situ

One of the forum gp -500 regulars (mel) had theirs fixed in a drive back morning
Given that you can't afford a mechanic and it doesn't sound like a cheap job , any chance of redress from seller?
Sorry to hear that.
Yes, sorry for your experience.
You are not the first and certainly not the last.
Only advise I can give is always inspect a car with a mechanically experienced friend, even if you have to pay for their service. After all a car is the second most expensive thing you are ever likely to buy next to a house and it doesn't matter if it is a private sale or a Main Dealer, they are all capable of telling you black is white to do a deal.
One of my customers once paid for my time for an entire day going around dealers in a 30 mile radius and she didn't buy a single car, however she said she was very grateful and I had pointed out lots of things she would have missed.
We can all be caught, fifty years ago I trusted a private seller of a cheap Fiat 600 with suicide doors when he said the battery was flat, I towed the car home, sure enough after charging the battery and starting it up the bearings in the engine were rattling badly :mad:.
Mind you if I had that car today it would be worth a fortune;)